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  • MPEC 2023-T127 : 2023 TF4

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    M.P.E.C. 2023-T127                              Issued 2023 October 9, 23:03 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets, routine data on comets and natural satellites,
             and occasional editorial announcements.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                    2023 TF4                                 
         K23T04F  C2023 09 21.36438722 33 30.691-12 53 55.52         22.09GVET127F52
         K23T04F  C2023 09 21.37275922 33 30.754-12 53 49.17         22.60GVET127F52
         K23T04F  C2023 09 21.38111222 33 30.809-12 53 42.42         21.91GVET127F52
         K23T04F  C2023 09 21.38948022 33 30.866-12 53 35.52         22.44GVET127F52
         K23T04F*KB2023 10 08.87942 00 10 36.50 +12 57 00.2          18.6 GXET127K19
         K23T04F KB2023 10 08.88313 00 10 42.19 +12 58 29.6          17.8 GXET127K19
         K23T04F KB2023 10 08.88683 00 10 47.85 +12 59 57.9          18.6 GXET127K19
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.05683 00 15 15.82 +14 10 21.5          18.5 GXET127K19
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.06049 00 15 21.96 +14 11 55.2          18.6 GXET127K19
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.06424 00 15 28.16 +14 13 30.5          19.5 GXET127K19
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.06585300 15 32.52 +14 14 11.8          19.2 GVET127I93
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.06869600 15 37.23 +14 15 23.9          19.5 GVET127I93
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.07153200 15 41.93 +14 16 35.8          19.5 GVET127I93
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.09747000 16 27.617+14 26 57.41         20.0 GVET127J95
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.10200800 16 35.340+14 28 53.40         19.1 GVET127J95
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.11176300 16 52.008+14 33 03.06         19.5 GVET127J95
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.15426500 18 39.884+14 53 39.12         18.66GVET127I52
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.15577200 18 42.469+14 54 19.37         18.64GVET127I52
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.15870200 18 47.556+14 55 38.46         18.81GVET127I52
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.16164000 18 52.517+14 56 56.11         18.76GVET127I52
         K23T04F  C2023 10 09.16205400 18 55.003+14 56 46.36         18.7 GVET127654
         K23T04F  C2023 10 09.16405900 18 58.470+14 57 40.08         18.7 GVET127654
         K23T04F  C2023 10 09.18583000 19 36.111+15 07 24.56         18.8 GVET127654
         K23T04F  C2023 10 09.18776800 19 39.462+15 08 16.71         18.8 GVET127654
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.26114200 21 34.86 +15 40 47.4          19.9 VuET127H21
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.26273400 21 37.66 +15 41 30.3          19.9 VuET127H21
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.26432500 21 40.48 +15 42 13.6          19.9 VuET127H21
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.26591700 21 43.30 +15 42 56.6          19.9 VuET127H21
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.78744 00 40 38.66 +19 55 41.2          18.8 GVET127104
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.79113 00 40 47.13 +19 57 39.3                VET127104
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.79359400 40 52.849+19 58 56.96         18.5 GVET127K63
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.79719400 41 01.110+20 00 51.67         19.0 GVET127K63
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.79835 00 41 03.65 +20 01 30.2          19.3 GVET127104
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.80921600 41 31.39 +20 06 58.8          18.6 GXET127958
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.81288 00 41 41.261+20 09 22.00         19.1 VZET127J57
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.81409100 41 42.73 +20 09 35.6          18.0 GXET127958
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.81635 00 41 49.260+20 11 13.27         19.2 VZET127J57
         K23T04F KC2023 10 09.81896500 41 54.05 +20 12 11.6          18.0 GXET127958
         K23T04F KB2023 10 09.81988 00 41 57.480+20 13 06.96         19.0 VZET127J57
    Observer details:
    104 San Marcello Pistoiese.  Observers P. Bacci, M. Maestripieri.  Measurer P.
        Bacci.  0.60-m f/4.0 reflector + CCD.
    654 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood-PHMC.  Observers N. Evans, P. Choi,
        N. Saini, C. Zhai, R. Trahan, M. Shao.  1.0-m Reflector + CCD.
    958 Observatoire de Dax.  Observers P. Dupouy, J. B. de Vanssay.  Measurer P.
        Dupouy.  0.43-m f/2.7 Reflector + CCD.
    F52 Pan-STARRS 2, Haleakala.  Observers J. Bulger, K. Chambers, T. Dukes, T.
        Lowe, P. Minguez, A. Schultz, I. Smith.  Measurers S. Chastel, J.
        Fairlamb, M. Huber, Y. Ramanjooloo, R. Wainscoat, R. Weryk.  1.8-m
        Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    H21 Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield.  Observer R. Holmes.
        Measurers T. Linder, R. Holmes, L. Horn.  0.81-m f/4.0 astrograph + CCD.
    I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station.  Observer J. B. Fazekas.
        Measurers E. C. Beshore, D. Fay, J. B. Fazekas, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs,
        A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, J. K. Hogan, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G.
        J. Leonard, D. Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.0-m
        prime focus + CCD.
    I93 St Pardon de Conques.  Observer F. Losse.  0.40-m f/3.7 reflector + CMO.
    J57 Centro Astronomico Alto Turia, Valencia.  Observer A. Fornas.  Measurers
        A. Fornas, G. Fornas, E. Arce, V. Mas.  0.43-m f/6.8 Reflector 0.4m + CMO.
    J95 Great Shefford.  Observer P. Birtwhistle.  0.41-m f/6.3 Schmidt-Cassegrain
        + CCD.
    K19 PASTIS Observatory, Banon.  Observer C. Demeautis.  0.28-m f/2.2 reflector
        + CMO.
    K63 G. Pascoli Observatory, Castelvecchio Pascoli.  Observer R. Bacci.  0.41-m
        f/3.75 0.41m f/3.2  Newton + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2023 TF4                                                 Earth MOID = 0.0084 AU
    Epoch 2023 Sept. 13.0 TT = JDT 2460200.5                Veres                   
    M 346.95931              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
    n   0.27471258     Peri.   34.47988     +0.74666615     -0.66518828             
    a   2.3436011      Node     7.22047     +0.60335290     +0.67484784             
    e   0.5819138      Incl.    1.71928     +0.28009810     +0.31953864             
    P   3.59           H   26.77          G   0.15           U   7                  
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    230921 F52  0.1+  0.2+    231009 J95  0.1+  0.2+    231009 H21  0.3+  0.5+
    230921 F52  0.1+  0.1-    231009 J95  0.1-  0.2+    231009 H21  0.4+  0.6+
    230921 F52  0.0   0.1-    231009 J95  0.7-  0.2+    231009 104  0.5-  0.6-
    230921 F52  0.1-  0.0     231009 I52  0.2-  0.2-    231009 104  0.1-  0.1-
    231008 K19  0.4-  1.6+    231009 I52  0.2-  0.2-    231009 K63  0.0   0.4-
    231008 K19  0.1+  0.5+    231009 I52  0.8+  0.6+    231009 K63  0.3+  0.5-
    231008 K19  0.4+  1.5-    231009 I52  0.2-  0.2-    231009 104  0.2-  0.5+
    231009 K19  0.1+  0.7-    231009 654  0.1-  0.3-    231009 958  0.8-  0.4-
    231009 K19  1.4+  0.6+    231009 654  0.1-  0.3-    231009 J57  0.2+  0.4+
    231009 K19  1.2+  1.1+    231009 654  0.1-  0.3-    231009 958  0.3-  0.0
    231009 I93  0.1+  0.1+    231009 654  0.1-  0.3-    231009 J57  0.3-  0.1+
    231009 I93  0.2+  0.1+    231009 H21  0.3+  0.2+    231009 958  0.0   0.5-
    231009 I93  0.1+  0.1+    231009 H21  0.2+  0.1+    231009 J57  0.4+  0.2+
    2023 TF4                 a,e,i = 2.34, 0.58, 2                   q = 0.9798
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
    2023 09 09    22 30 54.1 -14 10 09   0.1784  1.1823   167.6    10.6    24.1
    2023 09 24    22 35 45.7 -12 10 50   0.09354 1.0892   155.4    22.5    22.9
    2023 10 02    22 53 47.4 -07 11 54   0.05268 1.0486   153.8    25.0    21.6
    2023 10 08    23 50 01.3 +07 49 14   0.02500 1.0235   164.4    15.2    19.6
    2023 10 09    00 13 49.1 +13 49 45   0.02122 1.0198   167.0    12.7    19.2
    2023 10 10    00 49 01.3 +21 52 53   0.01809 1.0163   164.3    15.5    18.9
    2023 10 16    07 42 48.8 +40 42 59   0.02559 0.9982    91.6    86.9    21.9
    2023 10 24    09 16 31.9 +28 30 20   0.06206 0.9833    77.5    99.0    24.3
    2023 11 08    09 46 53.5 +23 01 15   0.1322  0.9857    83.9    88.5    25.5
    M. P. C. Staff               (C) Copyright 2023 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2023-T127

    Read MPEC 2023-T126 Read MPEC 2023-T128

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