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  • MPEC 2020-X57 : 2020 XK1

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    M.P.E.C. 2020-X57                              Issued 2020 December 7, 23:53 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                    2020 XK1                                 
         K20X01K* C2020 12 07.10878123 46 07.78 -00 41 20.5          20.15GVEX057G96
         K20X01K  C2020 12 07.11399823 45 54.24 -00 44 15.6          19.83GVEX057G96
         K20X01K  C2020 12 07.11922223 45 40.49 -00 47 13.3          20.28GVEX057G96
         K20X01K  C2020 12 07.12443223 45 26.53 -00 50 12.3          19.34GVEX057G96
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.14793423 44 20.78 -01 04 38.7          19.33GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.14872123 44 18.42 -01 05 09.6          19.01GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.14951723 44 16.15 -01 05 40.4          19.39GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.15030823 44 13.89 -01 06 10.3          18.94GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.19055223 42 13.15 -01 33 59.1          18.96GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.19133823 42 10.67 -01 34 34.2          18.99GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.19212223 42 08.24 -01 35 09.5          19.25GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.19290623 42 05.81 -01 35 44.7          18.69GVEX057I52
         K20X01K mC2020 12 07.19345723 42 04.08 -01 36 10.0          19.74GVEX057I52
         K20X01K mC2020 12 07.19376723 42 03.15 -01 36 22.2          20.03GVEX057I52
         K20X01K mC2020 12 07.19407723 42 02.20 -01 36 35.8                VEX057I52
         K20X01K mC2020 12 07.19438123 42 01.37 -01 36 49.5          20.96GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.21539623 40 54.50 -01 53 20.1          19.04GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.21605323 40 52.37 -01 53 52.3          19.06GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.21670823 40 50.28 -01 54 24.6          19.23GVEX057I52
         K20X01K KC2020 12 07.21736223 40 48.16 -01 54 56.8          19.03GVEX057I52
         K20X01K  C2020 12 07.37035 23 31 49.73 -04 35 51.8          18.5 oVEX057T08
    Observer details:
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer T. A. Pruyne.  Measurers E. J. Christensen,
        G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, H. Groeller, R. A.
        Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D. Rankin, R. L.
        Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.5-m reflector + 10K CCD.
    I52 Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station.  Observer D. C. Fuls.  Measurers
        E. J. Christensen, G. A. Farneth, D. C. Fuls, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer,
        H. Groeller, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, G. J. Leonard, T. A. Pruyne, D.
        Rankin, R. L. Seaman, F. C. Shelly, K. W. Wierzchos.  1.0-m reflector +
    T08 ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa.  Observers L. Denneau, A. Heinze, H. Weiland, J.
        Tonry, K. Smith.  Measurers L. Denneau, A. Heinze, J. Tonry, K. Smith.
        0.5-m f/2.0 Schmidt + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2020 XK1                                                 Earth MOID = 0.0001 AU
    Epoch 2020 Dec. 17.0 TT = JDT 2459200.5                 Bell                    
    M   7.82590              (2000.0)            P               Q                  
    n   0.47147043     Peri.  351.25372     +0.38958427     -0.91920624             
    a   1.6349322      Node    75.80161     +0.84852773     +0.33404428             
    e   0.3994932      Incl.    3.38883     +0.35808489     +0.20850491             
    P   2.09           H   30.67          G   0.15           U   8                  
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    201207 G96 (3.6-  2.5-)   201207 I52  0.7-  0.4-    201207 I52  0.5+  1.2+
    201207 G96 (1.7-  1.6-)   201207 I52  0.1-  0.2-    201207 I52  2.3+  1.3+
    201207 G96  0.4+  0.2+    201207 I52  0.6-  0.3-    201207 I52  0.0-  0.0-
    201207 G96 (1.6+  3.3+)   201207 I52  0.4-  0.5-    201207 I52  0.2-  0.0+
    201207 I52  0.2+  0.1+    201207 I52  0.3-  0.4-    201207 I52  0.1+  0.1-
    201207 I52  1.3-  0.7-    201207 I52  0.4-  0.9-    201207 I52  0.0-  0.1-
    201207 I52  1.0-  0.9-    201207 I52  0.2+  0.9+    201207 T08  0.0-  0.0-
    2020 XK1                 a,e,i = 1.63, 0.40, 3                   q = 0.9818
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r    Elong.  Phase     V
    2020 11 07    00 09 21.0 +05 55 44   0.1029  1.0714   139.5    36.9    27.4
    2020 11 22    23 58 55.0 +04 53 03   0.05272 1.0164   121.7    55.7    26.3
    2020 11 30    23 56 26.2 +04 28 46   0.02610 0.9967   112.9    65.7    25.1
    2020 12 06    23 53 15.7 +03 06 02   0.0058720.9869   105.6    74.0    22.1
    2020 12 07    23 48 14.9 +00 41 52   0.0024520.9857   102.5    77.3    20.3
    2020 12 08    10 52 27.4 +24 17 15   0.0012190.9853   100.6    79.3    18.8
    2020 12 14    10 31 06.2 +31 45 01   0.02151 0.9930   113.1    65.8    24.6
    2020 12 22    10 27 20.8 +32 08 39   0.04822 1.0097   121.4    56.2    26.1
    2021 01 06    10 15 05.6 +32 31 48   0.09858 1.0582   137.6    38.8    27.3
    M. P. C. Staff               (C) Copyright 2020 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2020-X57

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