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  • MPEC 2015-T100: 2015 TO178

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    M.P.E.C. 2015-T100                               Issued 2015 Oct. 14, 14:21 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
        on behalf of Division F of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
                URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.net/    ISSN 1523-6714
                                      2015 TO178
         K15TH8O* C2015 10 10.34156 00 35 12.241+03 00 15.33         22.0 wLET100F51
         K15TH8O  C2015 10 10.35346 00 35 13.047+03 00 05.72         22.1 wLET100F51
         K15TH8O  C2015 10 10.37746 00 35 14.677+02 59 45.61         21.8 wLET100F51
         K15TH8O _C2015 10 12.47250500 38 20.951+02 29 18.75         21.0 RtET100568
         K15TH8O _C2015 10 12.47387300 38 21.063+02 29 17.40         21.6 RtET100568
         K15TH8O _C2015 10 12.47518700 38 21.169+02 29 16.22         21.5 RtET100568
         K15TH8O KC2015 10 14.21310 00 41 18.65 +02 01 58.7                oET100291
         K15TH8O KC2015 10 14.21589 00 41 18.85 +02 01 56.1          21.9 RoET100291
         K15TH8O KC2015 10 14.21868 00 41 19.11 +02 01 53.0          22.1 RoET100291
    Observer details:
    291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observer T. H. Bressi.  1.8-m f/2.7 reflector + CCD.
    568 Mauna Kea.  Observers R. J. Wainscoat, C. Wipper.  Measurers M. Micheli,
        R. Weryk.  3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope + CCD.
    F51 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala.  Observers B. Gibson, T. Goggia, N. Primak,
        A. Schultz, M. Willman.  Measurers K. Chambers, S. Chastel, L. Denneau,
        H. Flewelling, M. Huber, E. Lilly, E. Magnier, R. Wainscoat, C. Waters,
        R. Weryk.  1.8-m Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2015 TO178                                               Earth MOID = 0.0908 AU
    Epoch 2016 Jan. 13.0 TT = JDT 2457400.5                 MPC
    M  12.78490              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.25378009     Peri.  227.78748     +0.48362985     -0.87515029
    a   2.4707626      Node   193.31234     +0.82060846     +0.45917776
    e   0.5682582      Incl.    3.64374     +0.30447318     +0.15253774
    P   3.88           H   24.5           G   0.15           U   8
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    151010 F51  0.0   0.1-    151012 568  0.1-  0.1+    151014 291  0.5+  0.1+
    151010 F51  0.1-  0.1+    151012 568  0.0   0.0     151014 291  0.3-  0.2+
    151010 F51  0.1+  0.0     151012 568  0.0   0.0     151014 291  0.2-  0.2-
    2015 TO178               a,e,i = 2.47, 0.57, 4                   q = 1.0667
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2015 09 14    00 13 59.7 +06 15 40   0.3672  1.3633   164.4    11.5    23.7
    2015 09 29    00 23 20.7 +05 04 05   0.2627  1.2643   176.9     2.5    22.4
    2015 10 07    00 30 55.6 +03 43 57   0.2176  1.2166   175.4     3.8    22.0
    2015 10 13    00 39 13.3 +02 21 30   0.1881  1.1840   170.7     7.9    21.8
    2015 10 14    00 40 55.0 +02 05 48   0.1836  1.1788   169.9     8.5    21.8
    2015 10 15    00 42 43.1 +01 49 33   0.1791  1.1738   169.1     9.2    21.7
    2015 10 21    00 56 12.0 -00 00 00   0.1544  1.1454   164.8    13.1    21.5
    2015 10 29    01 23 45.9 -02 57 29   0.1268  1.1135   160.0    17.7    21.2
    2015 11 13    02 58 46.0 -09 11 35   0.09472 1.0750   152.9    24.8    20.7
    A. U. Tomatic                (C) Copyright 2015 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2015-T100

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