MPEC 2014-U127: 2014 UZ116
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M.P.E.C. 2014-U127 Issued 2014 Oct. 30, 00:11 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2014 UZ116 Observations: K14UB6Z* C2014 10 27.35504 01 16 56.178-15 24 36.54 20.3 wLEU127F51 K14UB6Z C2014 10 27.36831 01 16 56.451-15 24 06.12 20.4 wLEU127F51 K14UB6Z C2014 10 27.38158 01 16 56.731-15 23 35.61 20.3 wLEU127F51 K14UB6Z C2014 10 27.39486 01 16 57.004-15 23 05.09 20.3 wLEU127F51 K14UB6Z |C2014 10 28.13307 01 17 20.92 -14 54 28.0 19.9 VuEU127807 K14UB6Z |C2014 10 28.13805 01 17 21.02 -14 54 16.6 20.3 VuEU127807 K14UB6Z |C2014 10 28.14308 01 17 21.12 -14 54 05.2 20.3 VuEU127807 K14UB6Z C2014 10 28.85590 01 17 44.49 -14 27 34.0 qEU127246 K14UB6Z C2014 10 28.85694 01 17 44.54 -14 27 32.9 qEU127246 K14UB6Z C2014 10 28.85780 01 17 44.62 -14 27 29.3 qEU127246 K14UB6Z C2014 10 28.85854 01 17 44.65 -14 27 28.4 qEU127246 K14UB6Z C2014 10 28.85895 01 17 44.68 -14 27 27.5 qEU127246 K14UB6Z C2014 10 28.85976 01 17 44.70 -14 27 25.1 qEU127246 K14UB6Z |C2014 10 29.11965 01 17 52.97 -14 17 05.0 20.2 VuEU127807 K14UB6Z |C2014 10 29.12369 01 17 53.06 -14 16 56.0 20.1 VuEU127807 K14UB6Z |C2014 10 29.12781 01 17 53.15 -14 16 46.7 20.0 VuEU127807 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.18340 01 17 55.04 -14 15 09.8 19.9 RqEU127H36 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.19080 01 17 55.22 -14 14 53.2 20.0 RqEU127H36 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.19818 01 17 55.39 -14 14 36.6 20.0 RqEU127H36 K14UB6Z !C2014 10 29.25295 01 17 57.29 -14 12 31.6 19.2 RtEU127673 K14UB6Z !C2014 10 29.25973 01 17 57.45 -14 12 16.2 tEU127673 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.26648 01 17 57.30 -14 12 00.3 19.9 RqEU127448 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.30535 01 17 58.23 -14 10 32.5 20.1 RqEU127448 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.33301 01 17 58.86 -14 09 29.5 20.3 RqEU127448 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.97055 01 18 20.49 -13 45 39.7 19.4 VqEU127I93 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.97783 01 18 20.63 -13 45 23.5 19.8 VqEU127I93 K14UB6Z KC2014 10 29.98511 01 18 20.85 -13 45 07.6 19.7 VqEU127I93 Observer details: 246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT. Observers J. Ticha, M. Tichy, M. Kocer. Measurer M. Tichy. 1.06-m KLENOT Telescope + CCD. 448 Desert Moon Observatory. Observer B. L. Stevens. 0.3-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. 673 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood. Observer J. Pittichova. 0.60-m f/16 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD. 807 Cerro Tololo. Observers T. Linder, R. Holmes. 0.41-m f/11 Ritchey-Chretien + CCD. F51 Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala. Observers B. Gibson, T. Goggia, N. Primak, A. Schultz, M. Willman. Measurers B. Bolin, K. Chambers, S. Chastel, L. Denneau, H. Flewelling, M. Huber, E. Magnier, E. Schunova, R. Wainscoat, C. Waters. 1.8-m Ritchey-Chretien + CCD. H36 Sandlot Observatory, Scranton. Observer G. Hug. 0.56-m reflector + CCD. I93 St Pardon de Conques. Observer F. Losse. 0.40-m f/3.7 reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2014 UZ116 Earth MOID = 0.2019 AU Epoch 2014 Dec. 9.0 TT = JDT 2457000.5 MPC M 29.10564 (2000.0) P Q n 0.31894745 Peri. 265.36610 +0.96074207 +0.25279329 a 2.1215664 Node 79.95917 -0.18531635 +0.89137190 e 0.4506451 Incl. 6.66727 -0.20647644 +0.37623356 P 3.09 H 21.0 G 0.15 U 8 Residuals in seconds of arc 141027 F51 0.1- 0.0 141028 246 0.5+ 0.5+ 141029 H36 0.6- 0.2+ 141027 F51 0.1- 0.0 141028 246 0.6+ 0.3- 141029 673 0.0 0.1+ 141027 F51 0.0 0.0 141028 246 0.9+ 0.3- 141029 673 0.0 0.2+ 141027 F51 0.1+ 0.1- 141028 246 0.9+ 0.3+ 141029 448 0.0 0.2+ 141028 807 0.3+ 0.1+ 141029 807 0.2- 0.0 141029 448 0.5+ 0.1- 141028 807 0.1+ 0.1+ 141029 807 0.2- 0.1- 141029 448 0.1+ 0.0 141028 807 0.0 0.0 141029 807 0.3- 0.1- 141029 I93 0.3+ 0.2+ 141028 246 0.7- 0.1+ 141029 H36 0.7- 0.3+ 141029 I93 0.3- 0.1+ 141028 246 0.4- 1.2- 141029 H36 0.6- 0.2+ 141029 I93 0.3+ 0.4- Ephemeris: 2014 UZ116 a,e,i = 2.12, 0.45, 7 q = 1.1655 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2014 09 30 00 58 02.7 -33 53 47 0.2238 1.1873 142.6 30.8 19.4 ... 2014 10 15 01 10 16.4 -23 41 09 0.2619 1.2271 147.9 25.6 19.7 ... 2014 10 23 01 14 38.9 -18 14 51 0.2923 1.2554 149.3 23.8 19.9 ... 2014 10 29 01 17 48.8 -14 21 45 0.3203 1.2794 149.3 23.4 20.2 2014 10 30 01 18 21.6 -13 44 13 0.3255 1.2836 149.2 23.4 20.2 2014 10 31 01 18 54.9 -13 07 06 0.3308 1.2878 149.0 23.4 20.3 ... 2014 11 06 01 22 28.6 -09 33 41 0.3652 1.3145 147.7 23.8 20.5 ... 2014 11 14 01 27 57.5 -05 15 28 0.4187 1.3529 144.7 25.0 20.9 ... 2014 11 29 01 41 03.1 +01 31 10 0.5426 1.4313 136.8 28.1 21.7 A. U. Tomatic (C) Copyright 2014 MPC M.P.E.C. 2014-U127
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