MPEC 2011-U38 : 2011 UK21
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M.P.E.C. 2011-U38 Issued 2011 Oct. 21, 13:01 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2011 UK21 Observations: K11U21K* C2011 10 20.44274 04 30 40.60 -04 00 41.6 19.4 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.44839 04 30 48.70 -03 59 00.3 19.1 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.45405 04 30 56.80 -03 57 19.5 19.1 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.45970 04 31 05.01 -03 55 36.8 19.2 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.49282 04 31 53.11 -03 45 36.8 18.4 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.49397 04 31 54.76 -03 45 15.9 18.8 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.49513 04 31 56.46 -03 44 55.2 19.1 VrEU038703 K11U21K C2011 10 20.49630 04 31 58.04 -03 44 34.8 19.2 VrEU038703 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.08386 04 47 42.80 -00 41 32.3 tEU038204 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.09020 04 47 52.69 -00 39 29.4 19.1 RtEU038204 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.09541 04 48 00.81 -00 37 48.1 tEU038204 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.10197 04 48 11.02 -00 35 40.7 tEU038204 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.26309 04 52 42.12 +00 23 03.1 19.4 RcEU038821 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.26471 04 52 44.65 +00 23 34.6 19.2 RcEU038821 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.26641 04 52 47.28 +00 24 08.8 19.6 RcEU038821 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.37383804 55 43.04 +00 53 59.0 19.8 VtEU038H21 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.37721504 55 48.41 +00 55 06.7 19.6 VtEU038H21 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.38069504 55 53.89 +00 56 16.0 19.5 VtEU038H21 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.38399004 55 59.13 +00 57 22.2 19.0 VtEU038H21 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.40867504 56 40.52 +01 05 37.6 18.6 RuEU038H36 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.41191904 56 45.71 +01 06 42.6 19.0 RuEU038H36 K11U21K KC2011 10 21.41513004 56 50.79 +01 07 46.5 19.1 RuEU038H36 Observer details: 204 Schiaparelli Observatory. Observer L. Buzzi. 0.60-m f/4.64 reflector + CCD. 703 Catalina Sky Survey. Observer R. E. Hill. Measurers J. D. Ahern, E. C. Beshore, A. Boattini, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, P. Tricarico, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught. 0.68-m Schmidt + CCD. 821 Cordoba-Bosque Alegre. Observers C. Colazo, P. Guzzo. Measurer C. Colazo. 1.54-m f/4.8 reflector + CCD. H21 Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield. Observer R. Holmes. Measurers T. Vorobjov, L. Buzzi, S. Foglia. 0.61-m f/4.0 astrograph + CCD. H36 Sandlot Observatory, Scranton. Observer G. Hug. 0.56-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2011 UK21 Earth MOID = 0.0078 AU Epoch 2011 Aug. 27.0 TT = JDT 2455800.5 MPC M 325.49402 (2000.0) P Q n 0.43773761 Peri. 23.22168 +0.55633286 -0.82775627 a 1.7178826 Node 33.10847 +0.73993071 +0.45355928 e 0.4295811 Incl. 7.66885 +0.37814852 +0.33030824 P 2.25 H 25.1 G 0.15 U 6 Residuals in seconds of arc 111020 703 0.2+ 0.7+ 111021 204 0.2- 0.4+ 111021 H21 0.1+ 0.4+ 111020 703 0.3- 0.2+ 111021 204 0.2+ 0.2+ 111021 H21 0.6- 0.3+ 111020 703 1.2- 1.0- 111021 204 0.4+ 0.3+ 111021 H21 0.5- 0.7+ 111020 703 0.3- 0.2- 111021 204 0.4+ 0.3+ 111021 H36 0.4+ 0.0 111020 703 0.9+ 0.3+ 111021 821 0.2- 0.7- 111021 H36 0.7+ 0.1+ 111020 703 0.5+ 0.4+ 111021 821 0.2- 1.2- 111021 H36 0.2+ 0.2- 111020 703 0.7+ 0.0 111021 821 0.7- 0.7- 111020 703 1.2- 0.8- 111021 H21 0.0 0.0 Ephemeris: 2011 UK21 a,e,i = 1.72, 0.43, 8 q = 0.9799 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2011 09 21 01 00 29.0 -29 26 48 0.1636 1.1450 147.1 28.5 22.7 ... 2011 10 06 01 40 43.4 -28 46 47 0.08740 1.0717 143.8 33.4 21.4 ... 2011 10 14 02 37 48.4 -22 57 43 0.05182 1.0395 143.0 35.3 20.2 ... 2011 10 20 04 19 37.7 -06 06 43 0.03187 1.0192 136.3 42.4 19.3 2011 10 21 04 45 23.7 -01 05 14 0.03000 1.0162 132.6 46.2 19.3 2011 10 22 05 13 42.8 +04 29 33 0.02882 1.0133 127.8 50.9 19.3 ... 2011 10 28 08 10 52.0 +31 29 13 0.03679 0.9982 95.9 82.0 20.8 ... 2011 11 05 10 12 11.1 +38 23 41 0.06686 0.9849 82.2 93.9 22.5 ... 2011 11 20 11 21 59.7 +38 18 00 0.1298 0.9821 83.5 89.0 23.8 A. U. Tomatic (C) Copyright 2011 MPC M.P.E.C. 2011-U38
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