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  • MPEC 2010-T88 : 2010 TW54

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    M.P.E.C. 2010-T88                                Issued 2010 Oct. 12, 20:51 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
           URL https://www.minorplanetcenter.org/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2010 TW54
         K10T54W* C2010 10 11.34885 01 08 26.73 -02 27 01.6          18.3 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.35524 01 08 25.51 -02 27 58.9          18.3 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.36162 01 08 24.25 -02 28 55.7          18.3 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.36808 01 08 23.02 -02 29 52.6          18.2 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.38763 01 08 17.61 -02 32 59.6          18.3 R ET088H01
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.39472 01 08 17.07 -02 33 35.9          18.9 V ET088H11
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.39594 01 08 16.93 -02 33 47.1          18.8 V ET088H11
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.39597 01 08 16.40 -02 34 11.2          18.1 R ET088H01
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.39716 01 08 16.75 -02 33 56.6          19.1 V ET088H11
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.39834 01 08 16.55 -02 34 06.4          18.5 V ET088H11
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.40373 01 08 15.34 -02 35 17.1          18.1 R ET088H01
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.41095 01 08 14.43 -02 36 18.2          18.1 R ET088H01
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.42379 01 08 11.67 -02 37 53.4          18.3 V ET088H10
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.43347 01 08 10.88 -02 39 11.4          17.6 V ET088H10
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.43446 01 08 13.20 -02 39 18.2          18.0 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.43854 01 08 12.76 -02 39 52.4          18.4 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.44263 01 08 12.37 -02 40 25.2          18.6 V ET088G96
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.62289 01 08 54.14 -02 50 16.6          18.2 R ET088D96
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.63093 01 08 52.57 -02 51 17.6                 ET088D96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.80199 01 09 34.76 -03 26 18.3          18.3 R ET088046
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.80304 01 09 34.56 -03 26 24.7                 ET088046
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.80519 01 09 34.42 -03 26 39.2                 ET088046
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.80836 01 09 34.28 -03 26 57.8                 ET088046
         K10T54W  C2010 10 11.80941 01 09 34.14 -03 27 05.8          18.1 R ET088046
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.93095 01 09 23.12 -03 39 35.1          19.7 V ET088510
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.97018 01 09 18.46 -03 43 20.6          19.0 V ET088B86
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.97440 01 09 17.94 -03 43 44.0          18.7 V ET088B86
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.97815 01 09 17.18 -03 44 01.9          19.2 V ET088510
         K10T54W KC2010 10 11.97856 01 09 17.41 -03 44 07.0          18.7 V ET088B86
         K10T54W KC2010 10 12.00176 01 09 14.28 -03 46 11.4          19.4 V ET088510
         K10T54W KC2010 10 12.14161801 09 44.11 -03 56 52.0          18.7 V ET088H21
         K10T54W KC2010 10 12.15255601 09 42.57 -03 57 46.2          18.9 V ET088H21
         K10T54W KC2010 10 12.16366201 09 41.12 -03 58 43.6          18.7 V ET088H21
         K10T54W KC2010 10 12.17379801 09 39.61 -03 59 34.0          18.7 V ET088H21
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.28420 01 09 35.17 -04 07 21.9          19.3 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.29007 01 09 34.16 -04 07 49.0          19.2 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.29590 01 09 33.12 -04 08 15.5          19.1 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.30171 01 09 32.14 -04 08 41.8          19.2 V ET088G96
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.31868 01 09 29.16 -04 09 57.0          19.5 V ET088703
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.32497 01 09 28.15 -04 10 24.7          19.2 V ET088703
         K10T54W  C2010 10 12.33137 01 09 27.07 -04 10 54.0          19.3 V ET088703
    Observer details:
    046 Klet.  Observers M. Honkova, M. Tichy, J. Ticha, M. Kocer.  Measurer
        M. Tichy.  0.57-m f/5.2 reflector + CCD.
    510 Siegen.  Observer H. Bill.  0.43-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD.
    703 Catalina Sky Survey.  Observer A.  D. Grauer.  Measurers J. D. Ahern,
        E. C. Beshore, A. Boattini, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer,
        R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  0.68-m Schmidt
        + CCD.
    B86 Sternwarte Hagen.  Observer M. Klein.  0.50-m f/3.0 Deltagraph + CCD.
    D96 Tzec Maun Observatory, Moorook.  Observers L. Buzzi, P. Concari, S. Foglia,
        G. Galli, M. Tombelli.  0.18-m f/2.8 Newtonian reflector + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer E. Beshore.  Measurers J. D. Ahern,
        E. C. Beshore, A. Boattini, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer,
        R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  1.5-m reflector
        + CCD.
    H01 Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Socorro.  Observer W. H. Ryan.  2.4-m f/8.9
        reflector + CCD.
    H10 Tzec Maun Observatory, Mayhill.  Observers G. Sostero, E. Guido, L. Donato,
        V. Gonano.  0.35-m f/3.8 reflector + CCD.
    H11 LightBuckets Observatory, Rodeo.  Observer T. Vorobjov.  0.61-m f/8
        Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    H21 Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield.  Observer R. Holmes.
        Measurer S. Foglia.  0.61-m f/4.0 astrograph + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2010 TW54                                                Earth MOID = 0.0013 AU
    Epoch 2010 July 23.0 TT = JDT 2455400.5                 MPC
    M 352.93842              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.91044693     Peri.   87.53179     +0.24759595     +0.96876869
    a   1.0543051      Node   196.82225     -0.90647861     +0.22669525
    e   0.2385047      Incl.    2.68256     -0.34204207     +0.10048125
    P   1.08           H   27.6           G   0.15           U   7
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    101011 G96  0.3-  0.1-    101011 G96  0.4+  0.4-    101011 B86  0.1+  0.3-
    101011 G96  0.5+  0.3-    101011 G96  0.1+  1.0-    101012 510  0.7+  0.7-
    101011 G96  0.1+  0.4-    101011 G96  0.2+  0.2-    101012 H21  0.0   0.4-
    101011 G96  0.1-  0.3-    101011 D96  0.6-  0.7+    101012 H21  1.0-  1.0+
    101011 H01  0.0   0.1+    101011 D96  0.8-  0.1-    101012 H21  0.6+  0.5-
    101011 H11  0.5-  0.3+    101011 046  1.0+  0.0     101012 H21  0.0   0.3-
    101011 H11  0.2+  0.4-    101011 046  0.9-  0.3+    101012 G96  0.4+  0.1-
    101011 H01  0.0   0.1+    101011 046  0.7-  0.4-    101012 G96  0.5+  0.3-
    101011 H11  0.3+  0.5+    101011 046  0.6+  1.2+    101012 G96  0.0   0.2-
    101011 H11  0.1-  0.8+    101011 046  0.3-  0.1-    101012 G96  0.3+  0.1-
    101011 H01  0.1-  0.2+    101011 510  0.7-  0.2+    101012 703  0.6-  0.7+
    101011 H01  0.1-  0.2+    101011 B86  0.1+  0.4-    101012 703  0.1+  1.0+
    101011 H10  0.6-  0.8-    101011 B86  0.3+  0.3-    101012 703  0.2-  0.1-
    101011 H10  0.9+  1.4+    101011 510  0.2+  0.4-
    2010 TW54                a,e,i = 1.05, 0.24, 3                   q = 0.8028
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2010 10 11    01 08.15   -01 15.0    0.00897  1.007   171.9     8.1    17.9
    2010 10 13    01 09.93   -04 46.9    0.0180   1.015   167.6    12.2    19.6
    2010 10 15    01 10.57   -05 55.2    0.0270   1.023   165.6    14.0    20.6
    2010 10 17    01 10.95   -06 26.9    0.0361   1.031   164.0    15.4    21.3
    2010 10 19    01 11.24   -06 43.4    0.0452   1.039   162.5    16.7    21.9
    2010 10 21    01 11.51   -06 51.7    0.0544   1.047   161.1    18.0    22.3
    Sonia Keys                   (C) Copyright 2010 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2010-T88

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