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  • MPEC 2009-L21 : 2005 OU2

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    M.P.E.C. 2009-L21                                Issued 2009 June 5, 16:45 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2005 OU2
                               Revision to MPEC 2005-O46
    Additional Observations:
         K05O02U  C2009 05 22.33824 20 43 20.83 +23 17 05.3          22.2 V EL021H55
         K05O02U  C2009 05 22.34796 20 43 20.97 +23 17 08.1          22.0 V EL021H55
         K05O02U  C2009 05 22.35663 20 43 21.10 +23 17 10.5          21.7 V EL021H55
         K05O02U  C2009 06 05.35271 20 43 13.39 +24 00 26.3          21.6 V EL021H55
         K05O02U  C2009 06 05.36596 20 43 13.01 +24 00 27.4          21.8 V EL021H55
    Observer details:
    H55 Astronomical Research Observatory, Charleston.  Observer R. Holmes.
        Measurer P. Miller.  0.81-m f/4.0 astrograph + CCD.
    First and last observations above in comparison with prediction:
    Residuals in seconds of arc, reference and Delta-T
    090522 H55  3.4-  2.5+    090605 H55  4.2-  2.5+    MPO 97787   +0.0022 day
    Orbital elements:
    2005 OU2                                                 Earth MOID = 0.1239 AU
    Epoch 2009 June 18.0 TT = JDT 2455000.5                 MPC
    M 222.03599              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.71820962     Peri.  310.15854     +0.01647139     -0.80842368
    a   1.2349098      Node   127.38918     +0.98137779     +0.12570437
    e   0.3735615      Incl.   47.77634     -0.19138004     +0.57502136
    P   1.37           H   19.0           G   0.15           U   2
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    050729 E12 (0.5-  1.8+)   050730 E12  0.1-  0.1-    050813 E12  0.0   0.1+
    050729 E12  0.0   0.6-    050730 E12  0.1+  0.4-    050813 E12  0.4+  0.1-
    050729 E12  0.4-  0.4+    050730 E12  0.5-  0.1-    050813 E12  0.1+  0.7-
    050729 E12  0.1-  0.0     050730 E12  0.2+  0.5+    050813 E12  0.4+  0.1+
    050729 E12  0.2+  0.6+    050730 E12  0.3+  0.3+    050912 474  0.4+  0.5-
    050729 E12  1.4+  0.6-    050730 E12  0.3-  0.6-    050912 474  0.1+  0.2+
    050729 E12  1.0-  0.6-    050730 E12 (0.4+  1.9-)   051021 413(10.7- 20.2-)
    050729 E12  0.5+  0.4+    050730 E12  0.2+  0.8+    051228 J95  0.1+  0.0
    050729 E12  1.3-  0.2-    050730 E12  0.2+  0.4+    051228 J95 (1.1+  2.0+)
    050730 734  0.2+  0.1-    050730 E12  0.2-  0.3+    051228 J95  0.3-  0.2-
    050730 734  1.4+  1.0+    050730 E12  0.1+  0.9-    051228 696 (2.1+  0.8+)
    050730 734  0.5+  0.7-    050801 E12  0.2+  0.1+    051228 696  1.5+  0.5+
    050730 E12  0.4+  0.4+    050801 E12  0.4-  0.2+    090522 H55  0.4-  0.2+
    050730 E12  0.3+  0.6+    050801 E12  0.2-  0.0     090522 H55  0.4-  0.1+
    050730 E12 (0.5+  1.8+)   050805 E12  0.1+  0.9-    090522 H55  0.3-  0.1-
    050730 E12  0.2-  0.2-    050805 E12  0.3+  0.1-    090605 H55  0.8+  0.4-
    050730 E12  0.3-  0.3-    050805 E12  0.7-  0.4+    090605 H55  0.4-  0.1-
    050730 E12  0.3-  0.6+    050805 E12  0.5+  0.3-
    050730 E12  0.6-  0.3+    050813 E12  0.3-  0.1+
    2005 OU2                 a,e,i = 1.23, 0.37, 48                  q = 0.7736
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2009 05 29    20 44.31   +23 44.4    1.130    1.668   102.0    36.5    21.9
    2009 06 08    20 42.20   +24 01.5    1.008    1.651   109.4    35.4    21.6
    2009 06 18    20 34.91   +23 34.1    0.888    1.630   117.6    33.5    21.2
    2009 06 28    20 21.24   +21 54.0    0.774    1.606   127.0    30.4    20.8
    2009 07 08    20 00.45   +18 20.8    0.672    1.577   137.2    25.9    20.3
    2009 07 18    19 32.94   +12 10.8    0.592    1.545   146.5    21.3    19.8
    2009 07 28    19 01.21   +03 09.3    0.545    1.509   149.0    20.3    19.6
    2009 08 07    18 29.82   -07 39.6    0.538    1.469   140.4    26.1    19.7
    2009 08 17    18 03.14   -18 16.3    0.568    1.425   126.5    34.8    20.0
    2009 08 27    17 43.72   -27 17.6    0.626    1.378   112.6    42.6    20.3
    2009 09 06    17 31.99   -34 30.9    0.698    1.327   100.5    48.3    20.6
    2009 09 16    17 27.11   -40 19.4    0.775    1.272    90.3    52.2    20.9
    2009 09 26    17 28.09   -45 09.7    0.847    1.215    81.7    54.7    21.1
    2009 10 06    17 33.94   -49 22.3    0.908    1.155    74.4    56.5    21.1
    2009 10 16    17 43.94   -53 10.7    0.954    1.094    68.1    57.8    21.2
    2009 10 26    17 57.71   -56 43.5    0.981    1.031    63.0    59.2    21.1
    Sonia Keys                   (C) Copyright 2009 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2009-L21

    Read MPEC 2009-L20 Read MPEC 2009-L22

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