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  • MPEC 2008-M43 : COMET C/2007 M1 (McNAUGHT)

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    M.P.E.C. 2008-M43                                Issued 2008 June 29, 02:13 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                              COMET C/2007 M1 (McNAUGHT)
        CK07M010  C2008 06 22.02072 19 00 52.23 +10 55 36.1          20.7 N EM043941
        CK07M010  C2008 06 22.02370 19 00 52.07 +10 55 36.4          20.7 N EM043941
        CK07M010  C2008 06 22.02519 19 00 52.00 +10 55 36.6          20.6 N EM043941
        CK07M010  C2008 06 22.03042 19 00 51.72 +10 55 37.0          20.7 N EM043941
        CK07M010  C2008 06 27.97294 18 55 41.32 +11 07 06.5          20.5 N EM043941
        CK07M010  C2008 06 27.97596 18 55 41.17 +11 07 06.8          20.4 N EM043941
        CK07M010  C2008 06 27.97898 18 55 41.02 +11 07 07.1          20.4 N EM043941
    Observer details:
    941 Observatorio Pla D'Arguines.  Observer R. Ferrando.  0.40-m f/10
        Ritchey-Chretien + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
        C/2007 M1 (McNaught)
    Epoch 2008 Aug. 2.0 TT = JDT 2454680.5
    T 2008 Aug. 11.35475 TT                                 MPC
    q   7.4748274            (2000.0)            P               Q
    z  +0.0006185      Peri.   52.60891     +0.17633925     -0.91849430
     +/-0.0000079      Node   326.80734     -0.97471062     -0.11279189
    e   0.9953767      Incl.  139.72060     +0.13727229     +0.37900688
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    070616 E12  0.5-  0.5-    070704 850 (2.5-  2.5-)   070807 118  0.0   0.4-
    070616 E12  0.1+  0.7+    070704 850 (2.5-  0.5-)   070812 704  0.9+  1.3+
    070616 E12  0.3-  0.2+    070705 850  0.7+  0.9-    070812 704  0.4+  0.8+
    070616 E12  0.5-  0.1+    070705 850  0.1+  1.5-    070812 704  0.1-  0.1+
    070616 E12  0.5-  0.9-    070705 850  0.1-  0.4-    070812 204  0.4+  0.4-
    070617 H55  0.1+  0.2-    070706 213  0.3+  0.7+    070813 204  0.4-  0.0
    070617 H55  0.3-  0.3+    070706 213  0.2+  0.6+    070813 046  0.1-  0.1-
    070617 734  1.0-  0.8+    070706 213  0.1+  0.9+    070813 046  0.1+  0.3-
    070617 H55  0.2-  0.7+    070706 147  1.0+  1.8-    070813 046  0.1-  0.5-
    070617 734  0.2-  0.0     070706 147  0.8+  1.2-    070814 A79 (2.0+  0.1-)
    070617 734  0.5+  0.9-    070709 850  0.5+  0.1-    070814 A79  0.9+  0.5+
    070618 H55  0.5-  0.3+    070709 850  0.4+  0.5-    070814 A79  0.4+  0.5-
    070618 H55  0.2+  0.4+    070709 A50  0.8+  0.9-    070816 585  0.8-  0.5-
    070618 H55  0.1-  0.7+    070709 A50  0.9+  1.0-    070816 585  1.7-  1.2-
    070618 H55  0.5-  0.3+    070709 A50  0.4+  0.9-    070816 585  0.4-  0.4-
    070618 H55  0.2-  0.0     070709 A50  1.0+  0.4-    070816 585  1.0-  1.3-
    070618 673  1.1-  0.3-    070709 A50  1.1+  0.2+    070819 A79  1.3+  0.7+
    070618 673  0.8-  0.4+    070709 A50  1.6+  0.4-    070819 A79  0.5-  0.6+
    070618 673  0.8-  0.5+    070711 474  0.1-  0.2-    070821 585 (7.1-  1.6+)
    070618 673  0.0   0.2+    070711 474  0.0   0.0     070822 585  0.1-  1.1+
    070618 651  1.0-  0.9+    070711 474  0.3-  0.0     070822 585  0.4-  0.1-
    070618 651  0.5+  0.2-    070714 215  0.5-  0.4-    070822 585  1.8+  0.4+
    070619 A77  0.3+  0.0     070714 215  0.0   0.1-    070907 204  0.4+  1.4+
    070620 A77  0.1-  0.1-    070714 215  0.5+  0.2+    070908 673  0.1+  0.1-
    070620 A77  0.6+  1.0+    070714 A77 (3.4+  0.8+)   070908 673  0.0   0.2-
    070621 850  1.6+  0.6-    070714 A77  0.0   0.6+    070908 673  0.3-  0.1-
    070621 850 (1.8+  2.1+)   070717 585 (1.0-  2.2-)   070908 673  0.3-  0.1-
    070621 415  1.1-  0.4+    070804 204  0.1+  0.2+    080622 941  0.3-  0.2-
    070621 415  0.4+  0.0     070804 147  1.1-  1.1+    080622 941  0.3-  0.3-
    070622 850  0.3+  0.3+    070805 147  1.1-  0.3-    080622 941  0.2-  0.3-
    070622 850  0.4+  0.1-    070805 585  0.4-  1.1+    080622 941  0.3-  0.6-
    070622 213  0.1+  0.4+    070805 585  0.8-  0.4+    080627 941  0.2+  0.4+
    070622 213  0.1-  0.5+    070805 118  0.3-  0.4-    080627 941  0.4+  0.4+
    070624 673  0.0   0.0     070805 118  0.3-  0.5+    080627 941  0.5+  0.4+
    070624 673  0.0   0.1-    070807 118  1.3-  0.4-
        C/2007 M1 (McNaught)
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
    2008 06 23    19 00.03   +10 57.7    6.641    7.481   143.3     4.7  18.9
    2008 07 03    18 51.25   +11 14.3    6.616    7.479   145.8     4.4  18.8
    2008 07 13    18 42.44   +11 21.6    6.623    7.477   144.8     4.5  18.8
    2008 07 23    18 33.88   +11 19.9    6.663    7.476   140.6     4.9  18.9
    2008 08 02    18 25.84   +11 10.1    6.732    7.475   134.2     5.6  18.9
    2008 08 12    18 18.55   +10 53.2    6.828    7.475   126.5     6.3  18.9
    2008 08 22    18 12.19   +10 31.0    6.947    7.475   118.0     6.9  18.9
    2008 09 01    18 06.86   +10 05.1    7.083    7.476   109.2     7.3  19.0
    2008 09 11    18 02.61   +09 37.2    7.232    7.477   100.2     7.6  19.0
    2008 09 21    17 59.45   +09 08.8    7.388    7.479    91.3     7.7  19.1
    2008 10 01    17 57.32   +08 41.2    7.546    7.482    82.5     7.6  19.1
    2008 10 11    17 56.15   +08 15.8    7.700    7.484    73.9     7.4  19.2
    2008 10 21    17 55.86   +07 53.4    7.846    7.488    65.5     6.9  19.2
    2008 10 31    17 56.33   +07 35.0    7.979    7.492    57.5     6.4  19.3
    2008 11 10    17 57.45   +07 21.1    8.096    7.496    49.9     5.8  19.3
    2008 11 20    17 59.11   +07 12.4    8.193    7.501    43.0     5.2  19.3
    2008 11 30    18 01.17   +07 09.3    8.268    7.507    37.2     4.6  19.3
    2008 12 10    18 03.52   +07 12.1    8.320    7.513    33.0     4.1  19.4
         The "original" and "future" barycentric values of 1/a are +0.000718
    and +0.000747 (+/- 0.000008) AU^-1, respectively.
    Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 2008 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2008-M43

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