MPEC 2007-X25 : 2007 RH283
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M.P.E.C. 2007-X25 Issued 2007 Dec. 6, 03:27 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2007 RH283 Revision to MPEC 2007-X06 Additional Observations: K07RS3H C2001 10 06.16824 22 34 36.09 +12 41 42.8 20.0 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2001 10 06.17878 22 34 35.97 +12 41 42.1 19.5 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2001 10 06.18924 22 34 35.87 +12 41 41.6 EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 14.44906 23 08 28.21 +17 14 10.0 19.6 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 14.45954 23 08 28.09 +17 14 09.9 19.7 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 14.46986 23 08 28.00 +17 14 09.8 19.7 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 15.39766 23 08 17.79 +17 14 00.2 19.9 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 15.40874 23 08 17.66 +17 14 00.3 19.9 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 15.42084 23 08 17.49 +17 13 59.9 20.1 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 22.36516 23 06 58.10 +17 11 49.7 19.9 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 22.37209 23 06 58.00 +17 11 50.0 19.6 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 22.37797 23 06 57.97 +17 11 49.7 20.0 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 22.38391 23 06 57.91 +17 11 49.5 19.6 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 22.38847 23 06 57.80 +17 11 48.9 19.8 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 08 22.39683 23 06 57.72 +17 11 49.3 20.0 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 09 03.26892 23 04 33.38 +17 04 17.3 19.5 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 09 03.29020 23 04 33.13 +17 04 16.0 19.6 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 09 03.31126 23 04 32.86 +17 04 15.0 19.4 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 09 11.35730 23 02 52.55 +16 56 38.0 19.8 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 09 11.37134 23 02 52.42 +16 56 37.3 19.9 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 09 11.38796 23 02 52.21 +16 56 35.8 19.5 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 10 03.14888 22 58 36.41 +16 28 03.5 19.4 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 10 03.16315 22 58 36.23 +16 28 02.1 19.5 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 10 03.17010 22 58 36.15 +16 28 01.7 19.6 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 10 03.18432 22 58 36.02 +16 27 59.7 19.9 R EX025644 K07RS3H C2002 10 03.20527 22 58 35.83 +16 27 58.5 20.0 R EX025644 Observer details: 644 Palomar Mountain/NEAT. Observers E. F. Helin, S. Pravdo, K. Lawrence, K. Kuluhiwa, M. Hicks. Measurer R. Matson. 1.2-m Schmidt + CCD. First and last observations above in comparison with prediction: Residuals in seconds of arc (or two decimals in degrees), reference and Delta-T 011006 644 0.03- 0.06- 021003 644 0.01- 0.04- E2007-X06 +41.3 day Orbital elements: 2007 RH283 Epoch 2007 Oct. 27.0 TT = JDT 2454400.5 MPC M 88.58363 (2000.0) P Q n 0.01550759 Peri. 329.45648 -0.21090886 +0.91292846 a 15.9259910 Node 286.39751 -0.80699538 -0.36432086 e 0.3410224 Incl. 21.35910 -0.55161210 +0.18393460 P 63.56 H 8.5 G 0.15 U 2 Residuals in seconds of arc 011006 644 0.5+ 0.8- 020822 644 0.2+ 0.2+ 021003 644 0.0 0.6- 011006 644 0.2+ 0.6- 020822 644 0.6- 0.3- 021003 644 0.6+ 0.1+ 011006 644 0.2+ 0.1- 020822 644 0.3- 0.3+ 070915 675 0.6- 0.3+ 020814 644 0.1+ 0.1+ 020903 644 0.3- 0.1- 070915 675 0.6+ 0.1- 020814 644 0.0 0.1+ 020903 644 0.0 0.3- 070916 675 0.5- 0.1+ 020814 644 0.4+ 0.1+ 020903 644 0.1- 0.3- 070916 675 0.2+ 0.1+ 020815 644 0.2+ 0.1+ 020911 644 0.3- 0.5+ 071004 688 0.7+ 0.1+ Y 020815 644 0.1+ 0.3+ 020911 644 0.4+ 0.7+ 071004 688 0.3- 0.2+ Y 020815 644 0.4- 0.0 020911 644 0.4+ 0.2+ 071004 688 0.0 0.0 Y 020822 644 0.3- 0.1- 021003 644 0.1+ 0.0 071117 688 0.1+ 0.3- Y 020822 644 0.6- 0.4+ 021003 644 0.3- 0.1- 071117 688 0.6- 0.3- Y 020822 644 0.0 0.2+ 021003 644 0.3- 0.1+ 071117 688 0.5+ 0.4- Y Ephemeris: 2007 RH283 a,e,i = 15.93, 0.34, 21 q = 10.495 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2007 12 06 00 34.40 +27 44.7 17.031 17.587 123.0 2.7 21.2 2007 12 16 00 34.06 +27 30.0 17.182 17.599 113.7 2.9 21.2 2007 12 26 00 34.14 +27 17.0 17.344 17.612 104.2 3.1 21.2 2008 01 05 00 34.62 +27 06.1 17.515 17.625 94.8 3.2 21.3 2008 01 15 00 35.50 +26 57.8 17.688 17.637 85.4 3.2 21.3 2008 01 25 00 36.75 +26 52.2 17.859 17.650 76.2 3.1 21.3 2008 02 04 00 38.34 +26 49.6 18.024 17.662 67.0 2.9 21.3 2008 02 14 00 40.23 +26 49.8 18.177 17.675 58.1 2.7 21.3 2008 02 24 00 42.37 +26 52.9 18.315 17.688 49.4 2.4 21.3 2008 03 05 00 44.72 +26 58.8 18.436 17.700 41.1 2.1 21.3 2008 03 15 00 47.22 +27 07.3 18.535 17.713 33.4 1.8 21.3 Brian G. Marsden (C) Copyright 2007 MPC M.P.E.C. 2007-X25
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