MPEC 2007-T59 : COMET C/2007 T1 (McNAUGHT)
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M.P.E.C. 2007-T59 Issued 2007 Oct. 10, 19:49 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 COMET C/2007 T1 (McNAUGHT) Observations: CK07T010 C2007 10 09.90909 17 17 57.63 -09 58 14.2 15.8 T ET059I77 CK07T010 C2007 10 09.91341 17 17 57.45 -09 58 25.4 15.9 T ET059I77 CK07T010 C2007 10 09.91695 17 17 57.26 -09 58 34.5 15.8 T ET059I77 CK07T010 C2007 10 10.08382 17 17 50.75 -10 05 47.9 15.3 N ET059H06 CK07T010 C2007 10 10.09656 17 17 50.17 -10 06 21.1 15.1 N ET059H06 CK07T010 C2007 10 10.75286 17 17 24.60 -10 34 19.6 14.3 N ET059104 CK07T010 C2007 10 10.76156 17 17 24.53 -10 34 42.2 14.5 N ET059104 CK07T010 C2007 10 10.76573 17 17 24.24 -10 34 52.1 14.0 N ET059104 CK07T010 C2007 10 10.77230 17 17 24.07 -10 35 08.5 13.9 N ET059104 Observer details: 104 San Marcello Pistoiese. Observers L. Tesi, G. Fagioli, M. Mazzucato, F. Dolfi. Measurers L. Tesi, G. Fagioli. 0.60-m f/4.5 reflector + CCD. H06 RAS Observatory, Mayhill. Observers E. Guido, G. Sostero. 0.25-m f/3.4 reflector + CCD. I77 CEAMIG-REA Observatory, Belo Horizonte. Observers C. Jacques, E. Pimentel. Measurer C. Jacques. 0.30-m f/3.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. Orbital elements: C/2007 T1 (McNaught) T 2007 Dec. 12.392 TT MPC q 0.97852 (2000.0) P Q Peri. 232.977 -0.129099 -0.552167 Node 111.292 -0.358322 +0.800480 e 1.0 Incl. 117.869 -0.924629 -0.233116 From 61 observations 2007 Oct. 9-10. Ephemeris: C/2007 T1 (McNaught) Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase m1 m2 2007 10 07 17 20.04 -07 50.8 1.537 1.477 67.4 38.7 13.1 2007 10 12 17 16.65 -11 26.7 1.589 1.419 61.6 38.2 13.0 2007 10 17 17 14.01 -14 48.5 1.640 1.363 56.0 37.3 12.9 2007 10 22 17 11.99 -17 58.1 1.690 1.308 50.6 36.0 12.8 2007 10 27 17 10.46 -20 57.1 1.736 1.256 45.4 34.3 12.7 2007 11 01 17 09.33 -23 47.6 1.777 1.207 40.4 32.2 12.6 2007 11 06 17 08.51 -26 31.2 1.813 1.160 35.6 29.8 12.4 2007 11 11 17 07.91 -29 09.6 1.842 1.117 31.1 27.2 12.3 Brian G. Marsden (C) Copyright 2007 MPC M.P.E.C. 2007-T59
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