MPEC 2007-H08 : 2007 FV42
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M.P.E.C. 2007-H08 Issued 2007 Apr. 16, 14:37 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2007 FV42 Observations: K07F42V* C2007 03 20.43031 15 42 23.30 +00 34 05.8 19.4 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.43242 15 42 23.51 +00 34 06.1 20.3 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.43655 15 42 23.90 +00 34 09.6 19.8 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.43787 15 42 24.04 +00 34 09.4 19.7 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.43984 15 42 24.30 +00 34 09.9 19.6 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.44113 15 42 24.30 +00 34 10.1 19.5 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.44311 15 42 24.55 +00 34 08.5 19.2 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.44443 15 42 24.69 +00 34 10.3 19.8 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.44640 15 42 24.91 +00 34 11.9 20.0 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.44772 15 42 25.05 +00 34 10.4 20.4 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.48779 15 42 28.90 +00 34 25.3 19.4 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.49076 15 42 29.19 +00 34 26.0 19.4 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.49375 15 42 29.44 +00 34 27.3 19.4 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 20.49675 15 42 29.77 +00 34 29.0 19.0 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 03 25.45084 15 50 48.84 +01 04 03.5 19.2 V EH008G96 K07F42V C2007 03 25.45737 15 50 49.48 +01 04 05.9 19.3 V EH008G96 K07F42V C2007 03 25.46389 15 50 50.10 +01 04 08.6 19.2 V EH008G96 K07F42V C2007 03 25.47038 15 50 50.74 +01 04 10.8 19.2 V EH008G96 K07F42V C2007 04 16.41406 16 26 40.02 +03 50 16.2 18.1 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 04 16.42009 16 26 40.56 +03 50 19.4 18.1 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 04 16.42608 16 26 41.10 +03 50 22.4 18.2 V EH008703 K07F42V C2007 04 16.43206 16 26 41.60 +03 50 25.6 18.2 V EH008703 Observer details: 703 Catalina Sky Survey. Observers S. M. Larson, R. E. Hill. Measurers E. C. Beshore, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught. 0.68-m Schmidt + CCD. G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey. Observer R. A. Kowalski. Measurers E. C. Beshore, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught. 1.5-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 2007 FV42 Earth MOID = 0.1295 AU Epoch 2007 Apr. 10.0 TT = JDT 2454200.5 MPC M 334.20394 (2000.0) P Q n 0.30710349 Peri. 181.57304 +0.21872714 +0.96127914 a 2.1757695 Node 101.08449 -0.89339060 +0.26637253 e 0.4730867 Incl. 9.83549 -0.39244321 -0.07062647 P 3.21 H 17.8 G 0.15 U 7 Residuals in seconds of arc 070320 703 0.1- 0.2- 070320 703 0.5+ 0.5+ 070325 G96 0.0 0.2+ 070320 703 0.0 0.6- 070320 703 0.7+ 1.4- 070325 G96 0.2+ 0.1- 070320 703 0.2- 1.5+ 070320 703 0.0 0.0 070416 703 0.1+ 0.2- 070320 703 0.1- 0.8+ 070320 703 0.0 0.3- 070416 703 0.1+ 0.0 070320 703 1.0+ 0.7+ 070320 703 0.6- 0.0 070416 703 0.2+ 0.0 070320 703 0.9- 0.5+ 070320 703 0.1- 0.7+ 070416 703 0.4- 0.3+ 070320 703 0.1- 1.8- 070325 G96 0.2- 0.0 070320 703 0.1+ 0.4- 070325 G96 0.0 0.1- Ephemeris: 2007 FV42 a,e,i = 2.18, 0.47, 10 q = 1.1464 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2007 04 10 16 16.35 +02 57.9 0.565 1.447 132.9 30.4 18.7 2007 04 20 16 32.39 +04 19.8 0.477 1.390 136.6 29.8 18.2 2007 04 30 16 48.45 +05 34.7 0.399 1.336 139.6 29.2 17.7 2007 05 10 17 05.23 +06 24.5 0.331 1.286 142.1 28.9 17.2 2007 05 20 17 23.75 +06 21.7 0.272 1.242 144.3 28.4 16.7 2007 05 30 17 45.91 +04 44.2 0.221 1.205 147.1 27.2 16.1 2007 06 09 18 14.39 +00 36.5 0.180 1.176 151.3 24.5 15.6 2007 06 19 18 52.01 -07 02.5 0.151 1.157 157.6 19.6 15.0 2007 06 29 19 40.43 -18 03.4 0.136 1.147 162.7 15.3 14.6 2007 07 09 20 35.73 -29 28.3 0.139 1.148 159.7 17.9 14.8 2007 07 19 21 27.29 -37 45.0 0.158 1.160 153.4 23.1 15.2 2007 07 29 22 06.11 -42 12.2 0.189 1.181 149.2 26.1 15.7 2007 08 08 22 30.21 -43 56.6 0.227 1.212 147.6 26.7 16.2 2007 08 18 22 42.70 -43 56.4 0.273 1.251 147.2 26.0 16.7 2007 08 28 22 48.32 -42 43.2 0.326 1.296 146.8 25.3 17.1 2007 09 07 22 50.90 -40 39.3 0.388 1.346 145.6 25.0 17.5 2007 09 17 22 53.04 -38 00.2 0.460 1.401 143.1 25.5 18.0 2007 09 27 22 56.31 -34 59.5 0.543 1.459 139.5 26.5 18.5 2007 10 07 23 01.23 -31 48.8 0.638 1.519 135.0 27.7 19.0 2007 10 17 23 07.92 -28 35.3 0.744 1.580 129.8 29.0 19.4 2007 10 27 23 16.25 -25 23.9 0.862 1.642 124.3 30.0 19.9 2007 11 06 23 25.96 -22 17.5 0.991 1.705 118.7 30.7 20.3 2007 11 16 23 36.82 -19 17.1 1.130 1.768 112.9 31.0 20.6 2007 11 26 23 48.63 -16 23.3 1.279 1.830 107.0 31.1 21.0 2007 12 06 00 01.18 -13 36.2 1.435 1.891 101.1 30.8 21.3 2007 12 16 00 14.34 -10 55.4 1.597 1.951 95.3 30.1 21.6 2007 12 26 00 28.02 -08 21.0 1.765 2.011 89.4 29.3 21.8 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2007 MPC M.P.E.C. 2007-H08
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