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  • MPEC 2006-U78 : 2006 UA216

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    M.P.E.C. 2006-U78                                Issued 2006 Oct. 30, 15:24 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                      2006 UA216
         K06UL6A* C2006 10 29.70049 04 16 55.02 -39 05 56.4          16.7 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70102 04 16 55.41 -39 05 35.3          16.5 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70155 04 16 55.77 -39 05 13.7          16.6 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70207 04 16 56.13 -39 04 52.1          16.4 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70260 04 16 56.53 -39 04 29.9          16.4 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70347 04 16 57.10 -39 03 54.3          16.5 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70401 04 16 57.50 -39 03 32.7          16.5 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70454 04 16 57.86 -39 03 11.1          16.5 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70506 04 16 58.22 -39 02 49.3          16.5 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.70559 04 16 58.62 -39 02 27.8          16.6 V EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.71664 04 17 06.339-38 54 53.29         16.4 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.71819 04 17 07.426-38 53 49.25         16.4 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.72591 04 17 12.866-38 48 30.06         16.5 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.72752 04 17 14.011-38 47 23.46         16.4 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.72915 04 17 15.164-38 46 16.05         16.2 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.75821 04 17 36.018-38 26 04.72         16.5 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 29.76136 04 17 38.299-38 23 52.72                EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.46009 04 28 32.89 -30 05 49.4          15.9 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.46079 04 28 33.36 -30 05 19.7          15.8 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.46147 04 28 33.80 -30 04 50.1          16.0 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.46376 04 28 46.519-30 03 42.53         16.8 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.46660 04 28 48.614-30 01 42.09         16.9 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.48613 04 28 50.52 -29 47 08.6          15.6 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.48683 04 28 50.98 -29 46 38.6          15.6 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.48821 04 28 51.91 -29 45 38.7          15.5 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.48961 04 28 52.81 -29 44 38.7          15.6 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.57397 04 29 59.562-28 44 49.41         16.7 R EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.57550 04 30 00.48 -28 43 42.9                 EU078E12
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.58370 04 29 51.59 -28 36 09.2          15.4 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.58544 04 29 52.63 -28 34 52.5          15.4 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.58787 04 29 54.08 -28 33 05.4          15.9 R EU078474
         K06UL6A  C2006 10 30.59296 04 29 57.12 -28 29 20.1          15.3 R EU078474
    Observer details:
    474 Mount John Observatory, Lake Tekapo.  Observer A. C. Gilmore.  0.6-m f/6.4
        reflector + CCD.
    E12 Siding Spring Survey.  Observer R. H. McNaught.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. R. Gibbs, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill,
        R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  0.5-m Uppsala Schmidt + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2006 UA216                                               Earth MOID = 0.0143 AU
    Epoch 2006 Sept. 22.0 TT = JDT 2454000.5                MPC
    M 345.13338              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.56070705     Peri.  340.41707     +0.91614700     -0.39293304
    a   1.4565052      Node    42.99150     +0.38151790     +0.79413753
    e   0.3164811      Incl.    6.67286     +0.12295843     +0.46362616
    P   1.76           H   23.4           G   0.15           U   6
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    061029 E12  0.2-  0.6+    061029 E12  0.0   0.3-    061030 474  0.2+  0.2+
    061029 E12  0.0   0.0     061029 E12  0.0   0.2-    061030 474  0.2+  0.0
    061029 E12  0.1-  0.1-    061029 E12  0.0   0.3-    061030 474  0.4+  0.3+
    061029 E12  0.1-  0.1+    061029 E12  0.0   0.4-    061030 474  0.1+  0.1-
    061029 E12  0.3+  0.6+    061029 E12  0.1+  0.1-    061030 E12  0.2-  0.8-
    061029 E12  0.2-  0.5+    061029 E12  0.0   0.1-    061030 E12  0.1-  0.8-
    061029 E12  0.1+  0.1-    061030 474  0.2-  0.4+    061030 474  0.2+  0.4+
    061029 E12  0.0   0.2-    061030 474  0.3-  0.1+    061030 474  0.2+  0.3+
    061029 E12  0.1-  0.2+    061030 474  0.7-  0.5+    061030 474  0.1+  0.0
    061029 E12  0.3+  0.0     061030 E12  0.0   0.2-    061030 474  0.0   0.2+
    061029 E12  0.0   0.4-    061030 E12  0.1+  0.5-
    2006 UA216               a,e,i = 1.46, 0.32, 7                   q = 0.9955
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2006 10 22    00 03.97   -77 38.7    0.0347   0.996    90.3    87.7    19.2
    2006 11 01    04 46.27   -11 07.2    0.0157   1.004   136.5    42.9    16.1
    2006 11 11    05 37.67   +43 53.5    0.0407   1.021   138.1    40.4    18.1
    2006 11 21    05 47.13   +53 01.6    0.0744   1.046   139.3    38.1    19.4
    2006 12 01    05 43.35   +55 15.1    0.110    1.077   143.6    32.9    20.2
    2006 12 11    05 36.13   +54 58.1    0.150    1.114   147.6    28.2    20.8
    2006 12 21    05 30.27   +53 20.1    0.194    1.155   149.7    25.4    21.3
    2006 12 31    05 28.84   +50 58.4    0.245    1.200   149.0    25.0    21.9
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2006 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2006-U78

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