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  • MPEC 2005-U102: 2005 UW6

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-U102                               Issued 2005 Oct. 31, 17:52 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2005 UW6
         K05U06W* C2005 10 29.37475 04 28 27.73 +25 31 03.6          20.9 V EU102691
         K05U06W  C2005 10 29.39236 04 28 29.70 +25 31 18.7          21.4 V EU102691
         K05U06W  C2005 10 29.40998 04 28 31.70 +25 31 33.7          20.7 V EU102691
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.41982 04 30 42.08 +25 46 27.2          20.0 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.42534 04 30 42.80 +25 46 31.5          19.5 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.43088 04 30 43.41 +25 46 36.9          20.1 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.43641 04 30 44.10 +25 46 42.3          20.0 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.46787 04 30 47.97 +25 47 10.3                 EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.47040 04 30 48.29 +25 47 12.9          20.4 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.47294 04 30 48.61 +25 47 14.7          20.1 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 30.47553 04 30 48.91 +25 47 17.3          20.3 V EU102G96
         K05U06W  C2005 10 31.38697 04 32 57.15 +26 01 54.2          20.1 R EU102854
         K05U06W  C2005 10 31.39655 04 32 58.50 +26 02 03.1          20.2 R EU102854
         K05U06W  C2005 10 31.40613 04 32 59.63 +26 02 12.2          20.3 R EU102854
         K05U06W  C2005 10 31.47919 04 33 09.46 +26 03 23.7          20.9 V EU102291
         K05U06W  C2005 10 31.48416 04 33 10.14 +26 03 28.5          20.7 V EU102291
         K05U06W  C2005 10 31.48951 04 33 10.88 +26 03 33.6          20.7 V EU102291
    Observer details:
    291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observer J. V. Scotti.  1.8-m f/2.7 reflector + CCD.
    691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak.  Observer R. S. McMillan.  0.9-m f/3
        reflector + CCD.
    854 Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.36-m f/10.0
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observers S. M. Larson, R. A. Kowalski.  Measurers
        E. C. Beshore, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill,
        R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  1.5-m reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2005 UW6                                                             PHA 0.016
    Epoch 2005 Aug. 18.0 TT = JDT 2453600.5                 MPC
    M 310.74739              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.35472250     Peri.  180.80790     -0.90763763     -0.41969482
    a   1.9764093      Node   334.37311     +0.38520914     -0.82611622
    e   0.7341057      Incl.    0.93853     +0.16675687     -0.37601629
    P   2.78           H   21.5           G   0.15           U   9
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    051029 691  0.1-  0.3+    051030 G96  0.0   0.0     051031 854  0.7+  0.3+
    051029 691  0.3-  0.4+    051030 G96  0.0   0.1-    051031 854  1.1-  0.1-
    051029 691  0.2-  0.5+    051030 G96  0.1+  0.2+    051031 291  0.1-  0.0
    051030 G96  0.1+  0.1-    051030 G96  0.1+  0.2-    051031 291  0.0   0.0
    051030 G96  0.7+  0.8-    051030 G96  0.2-  0.1+    051031 291  0.3+  0.0
    051030 G96  0.2-  0.4-    051031 854  0.4-  0.9+
    2005 UW6                 a,e,i = 1.98, 0.73, 1                   q = 0.5255
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2005 10 27    04 23.89   +25 00.1    0.332    1.280   145.1    26.3    20.8
    2005 10 29    04 27.69   +25 25.9    0.302    1.256   146.2    26.1    20.6
    2005 10 31    04 32.03   +25 55.6    0.273    1.231   147.1    26.0    20.3
    2005 11 02    04 37.13   +26 30.6    0.244    1.206   147.8    26.0    20.0
    2005 11 04    04 43.31   +27 12.8    0.216    1.181   148.3    26.2    19.7
    2005 11 06    04 51.10   +28 04.7    0.188    1.156   148.4    26.7    19.4
    2005 11 08    05 01.38   +29 10.4    0.161    1.131   147.9    27.8    19.0
    2005 11 10    05 15.75   +30 36.1    0.135    1.105   146.4    29.7    18.7
    2005 11 12    05 37.37   +32 30.4    0.109    1.079   143.4    33.1    18.2
    2005 11 14    06 13.15   +35 01.2    0.0845   1.053   137.6    39.3    17.8
    2005 11 16    07 19.07   +37 41.0    0.0630   1.027   126.0    51.2    17.4
    2005 11 18    09 20.49   +36 25.4    0.0480   1.001   103.7    73.6    17.5
    2005 11 20    11 45.74   +23 32.5    0.0463   0.975    71.9   105.5    18.7
    2005 11 22    13 18.12   +08 13.5    0.0591   0.948    46.9   130.5    21.0
    2005 11 24    14 06.70   -01 12.2    0.0797   0.922    33.4   143.8    23.2
    2005 11 26    14 34.40   -06 35.1    0.104    0.895    26.6   150.4    24.9
    Kyle E. Smalley              (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-U102

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