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  • MPEC 2005-U76 : 2005 UG5

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-U76                                Issued 2005 Oct. 28, 17:16 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                      Supported in part by the TABASGO Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2005 UG5
         K05U05G* C2005 10 27.10680 00 28 14.89 +00 37 57.2          20.9 V EU076691
         K05U05G  C2005 10 27.12226 00 28 10.90 +00 37 52.3          21.0 V EU076691
         K05U05G  C2005 10 27.13767 00 28 06.82 +00 37 47.6          20.9 V EU076691
         K05U05G HC2005 10 27.22764 00 27 42.94 +00 37 20.5                 EU076291
         K05U05G HC2005 10 27.23175 00 27 41.84 +00 37 18.5                 EU076291
         K05U05G HC2005 10 27.23603 00 27 40.65 +00 37 18.8                 EU076291
         K05U05G  C2005 10 28.16286 00 23 57.01 +00 32 56.7          23   V EU076291
         K05U05G HC2005 10 28.16671 00 23 56.16 +00 32 54.9                 EU076291
         K05U05G HC2005 10 28.17108 00 23 55.00 +00 32 53.6                 EU076291
         K05U05G  C2005 10 28.21480 00 23 43.32 +00 32 41.2          22.1 V EU076G96
         K05U05G  C2005 10 28.22661 00 23 40.15 +00 32 37.3          21.2 V EU076G96
         K05U05G  C2005 10 28.23249 00 23 38.57 +00 32 35.7          21.2 V EU076G96
    Observer details:
    291 LPL/Spacewatch II.  Observers T. Gehrels, J. V. Scotti.  1.8-m f/2.7
        reflector + CCD.
    691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak.  Observer T. H. Bressi.  0.9-m f/3
        reflector + CCD.
    G96 Mt. Lemmon Survey.  Observer E. J. Christensen.  Measurers E. C. Beshore,
        E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski,
        S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.  1.5-m reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2005 UG5
    Epoch 2005 Aug. 18.0 TT = JDT 2453600.5                 MPC
    M 194.81858              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.92120186     Peri.  114.96035     -0.87276681     -0.48725807
    a   1.0460831      Node    35.89939     +0.42791487     -0.79258149
    e   0.1858208      Incl.    2.86283     +0.23487647     -0.36659809
    P   1.07           H   24.4           G   0.15           U   9
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    051027 691  0.3-  0.6+    051027 291  0.2+  1.2-    051028 291  0.8+  0.3+
    051027 691  0.4+  0.3+    051027 291  0.5-  0.4+    051028 G96  0.4+  0.2+
    051027 691  0.1-  0.1+    051028 291  1.7-  1.2+    051028 G96  0.1-  0.5-
    051027 291  0.3+  0.4-    051028 291  0.8+  0.4+    051028 G96  0.3-  0.5-
    2005 UG5                 a,e,i = 1.05, 0.19, 3                   q = 0.8517
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2005 10 27    00 28.64   +00 39.0    0.134    1.115   153.2    23.7    21.4
    2005 11 01    00 08.71   +00 19.4    0.131    1.101   143.5    32.4    21.6
    2005 11 06    23 50.20   +00 12.2    0.130    1.086   134.2    40.8    21.8
    2005 11 11    23 33.83   +00 18.2    0.131    1.071   125.4    48.9    22.0
    2005 11 16    23 19.77   +00 36.4    0.132    1.056   117.3    56.4    22.2
    Kyle E. Smalley              (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-U76

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