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  • MPEC 2005-S42 : 2005 SP1

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-S42                                Issued 2005 Sept. 25, 15:35 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2005 SP1
         K05S01P* C2005 09 23.26752 00 14 37.50 +01 03 10.5          17.8 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.27611 00 14 39.04 +01 02 35.5          17.9 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.28470 00 14 40.56 +01 02 00.4          18.1 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.34360 00 14 51.00 +00 58 03.1          18.0 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.35133 00 14 52.36 +00 57 31.9          17.9 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.35905 00 14 53.73 +00 57 01.0          17.8 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.36679 00 14 55.10 +00 56 30.1          17.9 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.41128 00 15 02.98 +00 53 34.7          17.9 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.41462 00 15 03.60 +00 53 21.8          18.1 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.41791 00 15 04.14 +00 53 09.2          17.9 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.42116 00 15 04.71 +00 52 56.5          18.1 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.59835 00 15 45.206+00 43 36.84         18.2 R ES042413
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.60251 00 15 45.878+00 43 21.23         18.2 R ES042413
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.89632 00 16 45.54 +00 23 20.2                 ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.89686 00 16 45.72 +00 23 18.8                 ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.89847 00 16 45.93 +00 23 14.1                 ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.89909 00 16 45.94 +00 23 11.0          17.4 R ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.90020 00 16 46.25 +00 23 07.5                 ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.90340 00 16 47.64 +00 22 53.3                 ES042J95
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.90346 00 16 46.69 +00 22 55.6                 ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.90470 00 16 46.92 +00 22 51.8          17.4 R ES042046
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.90730 00 16 48.30 +00 22 39.4                 ES042J95
         K05S01P  C2005 09 23.91078 00 16 48.86 +00 22 27.7          18.1 R ES042J95
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.24720 00 17 49.00 +00 04 14.9          18.5 R ES042854
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.24817 00 17 49.13 +00 04 11.5          18.3 R ES042854
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.25012 00 17 49.39 +00 04 05.1          18.4 R ES042854
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.27616 00 17 53.55 +00 02 39.2          18.2 R ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.28183 00 17 54.33 +00 02 21.3                 ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.28715 00 17 55.06 +00 02 04.1                 ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.30240 00 17 56.43 +00 01 18.0          18.2 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.30428 00 17 57.39 +00 01 09.8                 ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.30613 00 17 56.94 +00 01 06.6          18.1 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.30955 00 17 56.86 +00 00 55.4          17.6 R ES042H06
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.31347 00 17 57.41 +00 00 43.3          17.8 R ES042H06
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.31362 00 17 57.94 +00 00 42.8          18.2 V ES042703
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.31728 00 17 57.87 +00 00 31.2          17.5 R ES042H06
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.55415 00 18 38.99 -00 09 49.5          18.2 R ES042413
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.83022 00 19 22.96 -00 25 15.7          18.6 V ES042A50
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.83098 00 19 23.04 -00 25 17.3          18.5 V ES042A50
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.83175 00 19 23.12 -00 25 19.8          18.2 V ES042A50
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.83251 00 19 23.21 -00 25 21.4          18.6 V ES042A50
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.83329 00 19 23.32 -00 25 22.3          18.5 V ES042A50
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.87381 00 19 31.02 -00 27 05.6          18.8 R ES042J87
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.87604 00 19 31.32 -00 27 11.8          18.7 R ES042J87
         K05S01P  C2005 09 24.87828 00 19 31.63 -00 27 18.1          18.6 R ES042J87
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.12615 00 20 03.67 -00 36 55.3          18.2 R ES042I77
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.13201 00 20 04.41 -00 37 11.0          18.1 R ES042I77
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.13891 00 20 05.19 -00 37 30.3          18.2 R ES042I77
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.20532 00 20 18.53 -00 41 47.8          19.2 R ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.20961 00 20 19.03 -00 41 57.3                 ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.21516 00 20 19.69 -00 42 13.1                 ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.22431 00 20 20.72 -00 42 36.1                 ES042673
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.23794 00 20 18.55 -00 43 21.1          18.4 R ES042932
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.24602 00 20 19.44 -00 43 41.3          18.3 R ES042932
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.25189 00 20 20.09 -00 43 56.6          18.4 R ES042932
         K05S01P  C2005 09 25.25691 00 20 20.64 -00 44 09.4          18.5 R ES042932
    Observer details:
    046 Klet.  Observer M. Kocer.  0.57-m f/5.2 reflector + CCD.
    413 Siding Spring.  Observer R. H. McNaught.  1.0-m f/8 reflector + CCD.
    673 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood.  Observer J. Young.  0.6-m f/16
        Cassegrain + CCD.
    703 Catalina Sky Survey.  Observers R. A. Kowalski, E. J. Christensen,
        K. Beshore.  Measurers E. C. Beshore, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd,
        A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, R. A. Kowalski, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught.
        0.68-m Schmidt + CCD.
    854 Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson.  Observer J. E. McGaha.  0.36-m f/10.0
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    932 John J. McCarthy Obs., New Milford.  Observer M. Robson.  0.4-m f/6.5
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    A50 Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory.  Observers O. Gerashchenko,
        Y. Ivashchenko.  0.6-m f/2.0 reflector + CCD.
    H06 New Mexico Skies Observatory.  Observer R. Hutsebaut.  0.25-m reflector
        + CCD.
    I77 CEAMIG-REA Observatory, Belo Horizonte.  Observers C. Jacques, E. Pimentel.
        Measurer C. Jacques.  0.30-m f/3.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    J87 La Canada.  Observer J. Lacruz.  0.30-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    J95 Great Shefford.  Observer P. Birtwhistle.  0.40-m f/6.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain
        + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2005 SP1
    Epoch 2005 Sept. 7.0 TT = JDT 2453620.5                 MPC
    M   8.59870              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.26563387     Peri.  109.61908     +0.33882220     +0.94085036
    a   2.3967004      Node   180.18708     -0.89762914     +0.32314853
    e   0.6710272      Incl.    5.99805     -0.28188906     +0.10186081
    P   3.71           H   23.3           G   0.15
    From 56 observations 2005 Sept. 23-25.
    2005 SP1                 a,e,i = 2.40, 0.67, 6                   q = 0.7884
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2005 09 17    22 22.65   +30 23.3    0.0188   1.020   142.6    36.7    16.2
    2005 09 18    23 14.86   +18 21.0    0.0261   1.029   158.6    20.8    16.5
    2005 09 19    23 39.61   +11 31.6    0.0347   1.038   166.8    12.7    16.8
    2005 09 20    23 53.72   +07 23.9    0.0438   1.048   171.4     8.3    17.2
    2005 09 21    00 02.76   +04 41.1    0.0532   1.057   174.0     5.7    17.5
    2005 09 22    00 09.01   +02 47.1    0.0628   1.066   175.5     4.2    17.8
    2005 09 23    00 13.57   +01 23.0    0.0725   1.076   176.3     3.4    18.1
    2005 09 24    00 17.04   +00 18.8    0.0822   1.085   176.6     3.1    18.4
    2005 09 25    00 19.76   -00 31.8    0.0921   1.095   176.6     3.1    18.6
    2005 09 26    00 21.94   -01 12.5    0.102    1.104   176.3     3.3    18.9
    2005 09 27    00 23.72   -01 46.0    0.112    1.114   175.9     3.7    19.1
    2005 10 02    00 29.25   -03 28.7    0.163    1.163   173.0     6.0    20.2
    2005 10 07    00 32.16   -04 16.7    0.216    1.213   169.3     8.8    21.0
    Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-S42

    Read MPEC 2005-S41 Read MPEC 2005-S43

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