MPEC 2005-Q58 : 2005 QL76
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M.P.E.C. 2005-Q58 Issued 2005 Aug. 31, 16:29 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2005 QL76 Observations: K05Q76L* C2005 08 30.29907 00 46 06.08 +12 28 43.5 19.6 EQ058704 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.31012 00 46 06.95 +12 29 05.1 19.8 EQ058704 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.32112 00 46 07.94 +12 29 26.2 20.0 EQ058704 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.33217 00 46 08.88 +12 29 47.5 19.9 EQ058704 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.34364 00 46 09.81 +12 30 10.9 19.8 EQ058704 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.90353 00 47 01.88 +12 48 22.7 19.3 R EQ058143 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.90357 00 47 01.72 +12 48 23.0 19.4 V EQ058151 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.90891 00 47 02.27 +12 48 33.5 19.0 R EQ058143 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.91036 00 47 02.37 +12 48 36.8 19.9 V EQ058151 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.96012 00 47 06.77 +12 50 16.1 18 R EQ058204 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.96485 00 47 07.17 +12 50 24.3 EQ058204 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.98712 00 47 09.26 +12 51 11.2 19.0 R EQ058176 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.98869 00 47 09.39 +12 51 14.1 19.0 R EQ058176 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.99027 00 47 09.53 +12 51 16.5 18.8 R EQ058176 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.99183 00 47 09.66 +12 51 19.9 19.1 R EQ058176 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.99340 00 47 09.82 +12 51 22.7 18.8 R EQ058176 K05Q76L C2005 08 30.99990 00 47 10.22 +12 51 34.2 19.1 V EQ058A13 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.01099 00 47 11.18 +12 51 56.2 19.1 V EQ058A13 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.02187 00 47 12.09 +12 52 17.5 19.0 V EQ058A13 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.03275 00 47 13.00 +12 52 39.4 19.4 V EQ058A13 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.20785 00 47 28.86 +12 58 51.7 19.6 R EQ058I77 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.21378 00 47 29.28 +12 59 03.1 19.5 R EQ058I77 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.21830 00 47 29.70 +12 59 11.9 19.6 R EQ058I77 K05Q76L 5C2005 08 31.31412 00 47 39.29 +13 01 58.7 19.2 R EQ058673 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.31894 00 47 39.75 +13 02 09.8 19.3 R EQ058854 K05Q76L 5C2005 08 31.31956 00 47 39.79 +13 02 09.8 EQ058673 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.32374 00 47 40.08 +13 02 19.2 19.3 R EQ058854 K05Q76L 5C2005 08 31.32593 00 47 40.33 +13 02 22.3 EQ058673 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.32758 00 47 40.37 +13 02 26.0 19.3 R EQ058854 K05Q76L 5C2005 08 31.33137 00 47 40.80 +13 02 33.4 EQ058673 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.33897 00 47 41.34 +13 02 48.8 EQ058682 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.36979 00 47 43.94 +13 03 49.9 EQ058682 K05Q76L C2005 08 31.40061 00 47 46.48 +13 04 50.2 EQ058682 Observer details: 143 Gnosca. Observer S. Sposetti. 0.40-m f/4 reflector + CCD. 151 Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur. Observer M. Griesser. 0.40-m f/5.9 Hypergraph + CCD. 176 Observatori Astronomic de Consell. Observers A. Lopez, R. Pacheco, J. Forteza. 0.41-m f/4 reflector + CCD. 204 Schiaparelli Observatory. Observer L. Buzzi. 0.60-m f/4.64 Newtonian reflector + CCD. 673 Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood. Observer J. Young. 0.6-m f/16 Cassegrain + CCD. 682 Kanab. Observer E. Sheridan. 0.36-m Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. 704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico. Observers M. Bezpalko, L. Manguso, D. Torres, R. Kracke, A. Milner. 1.0-m f/2.15 reflector + CCD. 854 Sabino Canyon Observatory, Tucson. Observer J. E. McGaha. 0.36-m f/10.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. A13 Observatoire Naef, Marly. Observer P. Kocher. 0.5-m f/3.3 Hypergraph + CCD. I77 CEAMIG-REA Observatory, Belo Horizonte. Observers C. Jacques, E. Pimentel. Measurer C. Jacques. 0.30-m f/3.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. Orbital elements: 2005 QL76 Epoch 2005 Aug. 18.0 TT = JDT 2453600.5 MPC M 341.15036 (2000.0) P Q n 0.29620603 Peri. 62.13077 +0.85946594 -0.50816138 a 2.2288121 Node 328.31896 +0.42386549 +0.76920547 e 0.4584883 Incl. 6.07605 +0.28575574 +0.38742090 P 3.33 H 19.8 G 0.15 From 33 observations 2005 Aug. 30-31. Ephemeris: 2005 QL76 a,e,i = 2.23, 0.46, 6 q = 1.2069 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2005 08 28 00 42.56 +11 15.2 0.386 1.330 140.1 29.1 19.6 2005 09 07 00 57.83 +16 52.6 0.333 1.290 143.4 27.8 19.2 2005 09 17 01 13.07 +23 08.8 0.293 1.258 145.6 26.8 18.8 2005 09 27 01 28.51 +29 42.4 0.265 1.232 146.8 26.5 18.6 2005 10 07 01 44.14 +35 54.3 0.248 1.216 147.1 26.5 18.4 2005 10 17 02 00.07 +41 00.7 0.242 1.208 147.4 26.4 18.3 2005 10 27 02 16.07 +44 28.2 0.245 1.209 148.2 25.7 18.3 2005 11 06 02 31.63 +46 02.0 0.256 1.219 149.8 24.2 18.4 2005 11 16 02 46.82 +45 51.2 0.276 1.239 151.7 22.2 18.5 2005 11 26 03 01.68 +44 21.1 0.305 1.266 152.9 20.8 18.8 2005 12 06 03 16.55 +42 03.0 0.345 1.301 152.3 20.6 19.1 2005 12 16 03 31.94 +39 28.2 0.397 1.341 149.6 21.8 19.5 2005 12 26 03 47.96 +36 58.7 0.462 1.387 145.0 24.0 20.0 2006 01 05 04 04.71 +34 46.3 0.540 1.437 139.5 26.4 20.4 2006 01 15 04 22.22 +32 55.0 0.631 1.491 133.6 28.6 20.9 2006 01 25 04 40.33 +31 23.5 0.735 1.546 127.5 30.3 21.4 2006 02 04 04 58.95 +30 08.0 0.851 1.604 121.5 31.6 21.8 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2005 MPC M.P.E.C. 2005-Q58
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