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  • MPEC 2005-M06 : 2005 JS108

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    M.P.E.C. 2005-M06                                Issued 2005 June 16, 19:56 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                      Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                      2005 JS108
                               Revision to MPEC 2005-J66
    Additional Observations:
         K05JA8S  C2003 02 09.28385 10 14 05.87 +19 18 44.6          19.8 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 02 09.34927 10 13 58.17 +19 19 46.5          19.5 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 02 19.37247 09 54 48.30 +21 42 58.6          20.0 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 02 19.39397 09 54 45.79 +21 43 15.0          19.6 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 02 19.41432 09 54 43.42 +21 43 29.5          19.6 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 03 07.37476 09 28 50.04 +24 07 09.0          20.1 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 03 07.38535 09 28 49.20 +24 07 12.4          19.9 R EM006644
         K05JA8S  C2003 03 07.39574 09 28 48.38 +24 07 15.8          20.0 R EM006644
    Observer details:
    644 Palomar Mountain/NEAT.  Observers E. F. Helin, S. Pravdo, K. Lawrence,
        K. Kuluhiwa, M. Hicks, R. Thicksten.  Measurer R. Matson.  1.2-m Schmidt
        + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    2005 JS108                                                           PHA 0.028
    Epoch 2005 Jan. 30.0 TT = JDT 2453400.5                 MPC
    M 214.90826              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.62407746     Peri.  243.73954     +0.99118608     +0.08889662
    a   1.3561583      Node   111.02841     -0.04776601     +0.93137088
    e   0.3224694      Incl.    6.04042     -0.12356602     +0.35305193
    P   1.58           H   19.3           G   0.15           U   3
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    030209 644  0.4+  0.1-    050516 F65  0.4+  0.6+    050528 J95  0.2+  0.1-
    030209 644  0.4+  0.3-    050516 F65  0.6+  0.6+    050528 J95  0.0   0.1+
    030219 644  0.0   0.1-    050518 F65  0.1-  0.5-    050528 130  0.6+  0.3-
    030219 644  0.1+  0.4+    050518 F65  0.1-  0.4-    050529 130  0.3-  0.0
    030219 644  0.2+  0.2-    050518 F65  0.1-  0.4-    050531 A13  0.5-  0.1-
    030307 644  0.5-  0.3-    050521 G96  0.6-  0.3-    050531 A13  0.8-  0.0
    030307 644  0.5-  0.1-    050521 G96  0.3-  0.5-    050531 A13  0.9-  0.1-
    030307 644  0.5-  0.1+    050521 G96  0.7-  0.2-    050603 E12  0.3-  0.1-
    050514 704  0.7+  0.8+    050525 118  0.1-  0.0     050603 E12  0.1+  0.4-
    050514 704  1.0+  0.3-    050525 118  0.0   0.3-    050603 E12  0.1+  0.3-
    050514 704  0.1-  0.2+    050525 118  0.2+  0.3-    050603 E12  0.0   0.2+
    050514 704  0.3-  0.9+    050525 118  0.6+  0.1+    050603 176  0.1+  0.0
    050514 A50  1.3+  1.0+    050526 941  0.0   0.1-    050603 176  0.1+  0.1+
    050514 A50  1.5+  0.6+    050526 941  0.0   0.1-    050603 176  0.1-  0.1+
    050514 A50  0.3-  1.4+    050526 941  0.2-  0.0     050603 176  0.2-  0.1+
    050514 A50  0.7-  0.4+    050526 941  0.3-  0.0     050605 932  0.1+  0.4-
    050514 A50  0.3-  1.4+    050526 941  0.4-  0.1+    050605 932  0.0   0.1-
    050514 A50  1.5-  1.0+    050527 599  0.4+  0.2+    050605 932  0.1+  0.1+
    050514 952  0.3-  0.2-    050527 599  0.2+  0.2+    050605 691  0.3+  0.4+
    050514 952  0.2+  0.0     050527 599  0.1+  1.1-    050605 691  0.0   0.3+
    050514 952  0.5+  0.3-    050527 599  0.3+  0.1-    050605 691  0.1+  0.3+
    050514 J95  0.2+  0.9+    050527 176  0.1+  0.2-    050607 A53  0.1+  0.4-
    050514 952  0.2-  0.6-    050527 176  0.5+  0.1-    050607 A53  1.4+  1.7+
    050514 J95  0.5+  0.3+    050527 176  0.2+  0.1+    050609 704  0.7+  0.5+
    050514 J95  0.6-  0.1+    050527 176  0.1-  0.1-    050609 704  0.1-  0.5+
    050515 I77  0.1-  0.6-    050527 176  0.3+  0.1+    050609 704  0.9+  0.3-
    050515 I77  0.2-  0.6-    050527 147  0.0   0.1-    050609 704  0.8+  0.6+
    050515 I77  0.2-  0.3-    050527 147  0.3-  0.2-    050609 704  0.7+  0.1+
    050515 673  0.3-  0.0     050528 147  0.1-  0.2-    050610 151  0.0   0.6+
    050515 673  0.0   0.2+    050528 046  0.3+  0.3-    050610 151  0.5-  0.3+
    050515 673  0.1-  0.1+    050528 046  0.2+  0.1-    050610 151  0.3-  0.2-
    050515 673  0.1+  0.2+    050528 046  0.4+  0.0     050610 151  0.3-  0.0
    050516 649  0.1-  0.7-    050528 046  0.2-  0.4+    050611 941  0.3-  0.1-
    050516 649  0.2-  0.4-    050528 046  0.3+  0.4+    050611 941  0.3-  0.2-
    050516 649  0.3-  0.7-    050528 046  0.1-  0.3+    050611 941  0.3-  0.1-
    050516 649  0.0   0.3-    050528 046  0.1+  0.6+    050611 941  0.1-  0.2-
    050516 F65  0.7+  0.6+    050528 J95  0.0   0.1-    050611 941  0.2-  0.2-
    2005 JS108               a,e,i = 1.36, 0.32, 6                   q = 0.9188
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2005 06 09    15 55.04   -04 11.2    0.306    1.297   154.2    19.9    18.3
    2005 06 19    15 29.88   -04 39.0    0.281    1.248   141.3    30.6    18.3
    2005 06 29    15 06.71   -06 04.4    0.264    1.197   127.8    42.1    18.4
    2005 07 09    14 48.01   -08 25.3    0.253    1.147   115.1    53.4    18.6
    2005 07 19    14 34.45   -11 36.2    0.243    1.099   103.6    64.1    18.7
    2005 07 29    14 24.66   -15 32.4    0.230    1.053    93.0    74.4    18.8
    2005 08 08    14 16.17   -20 15.2    0.213    1.011    83.1    84.8    18.9
    2005 08 18    14 05.08   -25 50.5    0.192    0.975    73.4    95.8    19.1
    2005 08 28    13 44.63   -32 18.0    0.169    0.946    63.3   107.5    19.3
    2005 09 07    13 04.46   -39 03.4    0.147    0.927    53.3   119.4    19.8
    2005 09 17    11 53.46   -43 42.0    0.131    0.919    46.2   127.9    20.2
    2005 09 27    10 24.45   -42 17.3    0.126    0.922    47.6   126.6    20.0
    2005 10 07    09 15.07   -35 20.1    0.132    0.936    57.8   115.4    19.3
    2005 10 17    08 33.93   -27 03.8    0.144    0.960    71.1   100.7    18.7
    2005 10 27    08 09.38   -19 41.0    0.157    0.992    84.8    86.1    18.3
    2005 11 06    07 50.43   -13 16.4    0.169    1.031    99.0    71.7    18.0
    2005 11 16    07 30.76   -07 13.8    0.181    1.076   114.2    57.0    17.8
    2005 11 26    07 07.64   -01 09.5    0.194    1.123   130.6    41.8    17.6
    2005 12 06    06 41.26   +04 56.2    0.214    1.172   147.9    26.5    17.5
    2005 12 16    06 15.20   +10 34.9    0.246    1.223   163.9    12.9    17.5
    2005 12 26    05 53.64   +15 14.8    0.293    1.273   170.0     7.7    17.7
    2006 01 05    05 39.18   +18 47.6    0.354    1.322   160.1    14.6    18.5
    2006 01 15    05 32.43   +21 23.1    0.430    1.370   148.9    21.8    19.2
    2006 01 25    05 32.41   +23 15.8    0.518    1.416   138.9    27.2    19.8
    2006 02 04    05 37.81   +24 37.7    0.616    1.460   130.0    31.1    20.4
    2006 02 14    05 47.45   +25 36.5    0.723    1.502   122.1    33.8    20.9
    2006 02 24    06 00.22   +26 16.7    0.837    1.541   114.9    35.6    21.3
    2006 03 06    06 15.39   +26 40.9    0.956    1.578   108.2    36.7    21.7
    2006 03 16    06 32.33   +26 50.4    1.078    1.612   102.0    37.1    22.0
    2006 03 26    06 50.53   +26 46.1    1.203    1.643    96.2    37.1    22.3
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2005 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2005-M06

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