MPEC 2005-L49 : 2005 LX19
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M.P.E.C. 2005-L49 Issued 2005 June 11, 22:37 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Supported in part by the Brinson Foundation Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2005 LX19 Observations: K05L19X* C2005 06 09.60620 19 57 39.46 -70 01 19.1 18.6 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.62008 19 57 37.16 -70 01 19.4 19.3 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.63271 19 57 35.11 -70 01 19.3 19.1 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.64535 19 57 33.00 -70 01 19.3 19.3 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.67918 19 57 27.64 -70 01 18.3 19.0 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.68249 19 57 27.15 -70 01 18.6 18.4 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.68582 19 57 26.53 -70 01 18.3 18.4 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.70130 19 57 24.07 -70 01 17.9 18.9 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.71390 19 57 22.02 -70 01 18.0 19.1 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.72651 19 57 20.02 -70 01 17.8 18.8 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 09.73911 19 57 17.95 -70 01 17.0 19.2 R EL049E12 K05L19X C2005 06 10.22958 19 56 01.92 -70 01 01.4 19.0 R EL049I77 K05L19X C2005 06 10.23480 19 56 01.02 -70 01 00.9 19.0 R EL049I77 K05L19X C2005 06 10.24207 19 55 59.91 -70 01 01.0 18.8 R EL049I77 K05L19X C2005 06 11.22120 19 53 21.66 -70 00 02.2 19.1 R EL049I77 K05L19X C2005 06 11.22645 19 53 20.55 -70 00 02.5 18.5 R EL049I77 Observer details: E12 Siding Spring Survey. Observer G. J. Garradd. Measurers E. C. Beshore, C. M. Casey, E. J. Christensen, G. J. Garradd, A. D. Grauer, R. E. Hill, S. M. Larson, R. H. McNaught. 0.5-m Uppsala Schmidt + CCD. I77 CEAMIG-REA Observatory, Belo Horizonte. Observers C. Jacques, E. Pimentel. Measurer C. Jacques. 0.30-m f/3.0 Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD. Orbital elements: 2005 LX19 Epoch 2005 May 30.0 TT = JDT 2453520.5 MPC M 332.50050 (2000.0) P Q n 0.19642109 Peri. 31.24985 +0.79121548 +0.25493243 a 2.9309651 Node 302.96789 -0.60078870 +0.49371083 e 0.4985038 Incl. 41.49493 +0.11415339 +0.83141991 P 5.02 H 16.5 G 0.15 From 16 observations 2005 June 9-11. Ephemeris: 2005 LX19 a,e,i = 2.93, 0.50, 41 q = 1.4699 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2005 06 09 19 59.16 -70 01.4 1.130 1.918 126.7 25.1 19.3 2005 06 19 19 28.22 -69 28.5 1.027 1.864 131.7 24.0 19.0 2005 06 29 18 49.25 -67 22.7 0.938 1.811 135.8 23.1 18.7 2005 07 09 18 12.40 -63 11.7 0.868 1.760 137.9 22.8 18.5 2005 07 19 17 45.70 -56 55.4 0.821 1.711 137.0 23.9 18.4 2005 07 29 17 30.67 -49 08.4 0.801 1.666 132.6 26.7 18.3 2005 08 08 17 25.25 -40 42.1 0.808 1.623 125.6 30.5 18.4 2005 08 18 17 26.91 -32 26.6 0.839 1.585 117.5 34.5 18.5 2005 08 28 17 33.51 -24 54.6 0.890 1.551 109.3 37.9 18.7 2005 09 07 17 43.64 -18 19.0 0.956 1.523 101.7 40.4 18.9 2005 09 17 17 56.39 -12 38.4 1.031 1.500 94.9 41.9 19.1 2005 09 27 18 11.12 -07 44.4 1.111 1.483 89.0 42.5 19.2 2005 10 07 18 27.48 -03 27.0 1.193 1.473 83.9 42.4 19.4 2005 10 17 18 45.25 +00 23.4 1.275 1.470 79.6 41.8 19.5 2005 10 27 19 04.28 +03 54.6 1.354 1.473 76.0 40.9 19.6 2005 11 06 19 24.53 +07 13.0 1.430 1.483 73.0 39.7 19.7 2005 11 16 19 45.99 +10 23.4 1.504 1.500 70.6 38.4 19.8 2005 11 26 20 08.63 +13 29.1 1.575 1.523 68.6 37.1 19.9 2005 12 06 20 32.49 +16 32.1 1.645 1.551 66.9 35.8 20.0 2005 12 16 20 57.57 +19 33.4 1.714 1.585 65.6 34.4 20.1 2005 12 26 21 23.84 +22 32.6 1.786 1.623 64.3 33.1 20.2 2006 01 05 21 51.29 +25 28.5 1.860 1.665 63.1 31.8 20.3 2006 01 15 22 19.84 +28 19.1 1.939 1.711 61.9 30.5 20.4 2006 01 25 22 49.39 +31 01.7 2.023 1.760 60.4 29.1 20.5 Timothy B. Spahr (C) Copyright 2005 MPC M.P.E.C. 2005-L49
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