MPEC 2003-F37 : 2002 FT6
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M.P.E.C. 2003-F37 Issued 2003 Mar. 26, 03:37 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network MPC@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 2002 FT6 Revision to MPEC 2002-F73 Additional Observations: K02F06T C2003 03 25.02549 13 38 10.09 -13 21 10.3 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.02610 13 38 09.83 -13 21 06.0 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.02664 13 38 09.52 -13 21 01.2 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.02753 13 38 09.13 -13 20 56.4 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.02816 13 38 08.76 -13 20 52.2 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.02875 13 38 08.48 -13 20 47.1 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.03508 13 38 05.43 -13 20 05.5 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.03560 13 38 05.14 -13 20 01.3 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.03622 13 38 04.90 -13 19 58.0 246 K02F06T C2003 03 25.03681 13 38 04.51 -13 19 53.8 246 K02F06T C2003 03 26.03721 13 30 26.27 -11 30 09.2 246 K02F06T C2003 03 26.03818 13 30 25.93 -11 30 02.8 246 K02F06T C2003 03 26.03956 13 30 25.32 -11 29 53.4 246 K02F06T C2003 03 26.04074 13 30 24.64 -11 29 45.6 246 K02F06T C2003 03 26.05021 13 30 20.38 -11 28 44.4 246 K02F06T C2003 03 26.05145 13 30 19.84 -11 28 38.7 246 Observer details: 246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT. Observers M. Tichy, M. Kocer, J. Ticha. 1.06-m KLENOT Telescope + CCD. First and last observations above in comparison with prediction: Residuals in seconds of arc (or two decimals in degrees), reference and Delta-T 030325 246 0.57+ 0.07- 030326 246 0.58+ 0.09- MPO 30730 -0.15 day Orbital elements: 2002 FT6 Epoch 2003 June 10.0 TT = JDT 2452800.5 MPC M 158.19598 (2000.0) P Q n 1.00288008 Peri. 226.70291 +0.57018464 -0.82114336 a 0.9884849 Node 188.63823 +0.79337040 +0.55822090 e 0.4626023 Incl. 9.48863 +0.21319680 +0.11879820 P 0.98 H 22.5 G 0.15 U 5 Residuals in seconds of arc 020323 704 0.4- 0.0 020402 246 1.7+ 0.5- 030325 246 0.6- 0.7- 020323 704 0.2- 0.1+ 020402 246 0.2+ 0.1- 030325 246 0.0 0.5- 020323 704 0.1- 0.4- 020403 649 0.6- 1.5- 030325 246 0.7- 0.6+ 020323 704 0.5- 0.2+ 020403 649 0.5+ 0.5- 030325 246 0.1+ 0.6- 020325 704 0.1- 0.5+ 020403 413 0.1- 0.4+ 030325 246 0.8- 0.6- 020325 704 0.5+ 0.1+ 020403 413 0.3+ 0.3+ 030325 246 0.7- 0.5+ 020325 704 0.1+ 0.6- 020403 413 0.3+ 0.5+ 030325 246 0.4+ 0.6- 020325 704 0.5+ 1.0+ 020407 696 0.4+ 0.7- 030325 246 0.1- 0.1+ 020326 448 (2.6- 1.5-) 020407 696 0.6- 1.4- 030325 246 0.8+ 0.8- 020326 448 (2.9- 2.1-) 020407 246 0.3+ 1.2+ 030325 246 0.6- 0.6- 020326 448 (3.1- 1.5-) 020407 246 0.2- 1.5+ 030326 246 0.8- 0.0 020402 413 1.7- 0.3+ 020407 246 0.3+ 0.1+ 030326 246 0.8+ 0.2+ 020402 413 0.3+ 0.0 020418 598 (2.4- 0.1+) 030326 246 1.2+ 0.7+ 020402 413 0.1- 0.1- 020418 598 0.9- 0.3+ 030326 246 0.8- 1.0+ 020402 246 1.2+ 0.7- 020418 598 0.6- 0.3+ 030326 246 0.7+ 1.3+ 020402 246 0.7+ 0.6+ 020418 598 1.7- 0.0 030326 246 1.1+ 1.0- Ephemeris: 2002 FT6 a,e,i = 0.99, 0.46, 9 q = 0.5312 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 2003 03 22 14 04.61 -19 21.9 0.121 1.097 144.7 31.6 19.5 2003 03 27 13 23.57 -09 49.0 0.139 1.131 162.9 15.1 19.3 2003 04 01 12 54.35 -02 32.4 0.165 1.163 176.0 3.5 19.2 2003 04 06 12 33.78 +02 36.0 0.196 1.194 169.3 8.9 20.0 2003 04 11 12 19.48 +06 06.8 0.232 1.223 159.9 16.3 20.6 2003 04 16 12 09.76 +08 27.9 0.271 1.249 152.0 22.2 21.2 2003 04 21 12 03.42 +10 00.1 0.313 1.275 145.2 26.8 21.7 Kyle E. Smalley (C) Copyright 2003 MPC M.P.E.C. 2003-F37
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