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  • MPEC 2002-R29 : 2002 PN34

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    M.P.E.C. 2002-R29                                Issued 2002 Sept. 6, 19:58 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2002 PN34
                               Revision to MPEC 2002-P37
         K02P34N  C2001 06 12.37676 19 54 50.55 -22 34 11.4                      644
         K02P34N  C2001 06 12.38799 19 54 50.35 -22 34 11.4                      644
         K02P34N  C2001 06 12.39961 19 54 50.28 -22 34 11.0                      644
         K02P34N FC2001 08 10.37059 19 42 19.19 -22 38 54.2                      608
         K02P34N  C2001 08 23.30468 19 39 59.76 -22 37 42.6                      608
         K02P34N FC2001 08 23.31529 19 39 59.64 -22 37 42.6                      608
         K02P34N  C2001 08 23.32627 19 39 59.53 -22 37 41.4                      608
         K02P34N IC2002 05 24.45689 20 33 02.28 -17 50 07.6                      644
         K02P34N IC2002 05 24.46759 20 33 02.28 -17 50 07.4                      644
         K02P34N IC2002 05 24.47822 20 33 02.20 -17 50 07.4                      644
         K02P34N  C2002 07 04.36433 20 27 46.96 -17 47 07.2          19.3 R      644
         K02P34N  C2002 07 04.38527 20 27 46.70 -17 47 07.2          18.8 R      644
         K02P34N  C2002 07 04.40870 20 27 46.47 -17 47 07.1          18.8 R      644
         K02P34N  C2002 07 09.26690 20 26 47.76 -17 48 02.5          19.0 R      644
         K02P34N  C2002 07 09.33729 20 26 46.88 -17 48 03.4          19.0 R      644
         K02P34N  C2002 07 09.40381 20 26 46.04 -17 48 04.6          19.0 R      644
         K02P34N  C2002 08 27.14277 20 16 34.91 -18 00 00.9          19.2        644
         K02P34N  C2002 08 27.16354 20 16 34.70 -18 00 00.9          19.2        644
         K02P34N  C2002 08 27.18440 20 16 34.48 -18 00 01.0          19.2        644
    Observer details:
    608 Haleakala-NEAT/MSSS.  Observers E. F. Helin, S. Pravdo, K. Lawrence,
        P. Kervin, R. Maeda, J. Africano, M. Hicks.  Images located and
        measured by DANEOPS (R. Stoss).  1.2-m reflector + CCD.
    644 Palomar Mountain/NEAT.  Observers E. F. Helin, S. Pravdo, K. Lawrence,
        M. Hicks, R. Thicksten.  Precovery and prediscovery images located
        and measured by DANEOPS (R. Stoss).  1.2-m Schmidt + CCD.
    First and last observations above in comparison with prediction:
    Residuals in seconds of arc (or two decimals in degrees) and reference
    010612 644 1.93- 0.40-    010823 608 1.93- 0.34-    MPO 34042
    Orbital elements:
    2002 PN34
    Epoch 2002 Nov. 22.0 TT = JDT 2452600.5                 MPC
    M   2.14511              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.00579236     Peri.  358.36522     +0.46435400     +0.84956071
    a  30.7066492      Node   299.23558     -0.80927874     +0.29223850
    e   0.5658448      Incl.   16.66488     -0.35978226     +0.43913923
    P 170.16           H    7.8           G   0.15           U   3
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    010612 644  0.4+  0.6-    020704 644  0.3-  0.3-    020807 673  0.8-  0.2-
    010612 644  0.8-  0.5-    020704 644  0.4-  0.1-    020807 673  1.2-  0.3+
    010612 644  0.2-  0.1-    020704 644  0.4+  0.2+    020807 644  0.0   0.0
    010810 608  0.7-  1.1+    020709 644  0.1+  0.2-    020807 644  0.3+  0.1+
    010823 608  0.6+  0.3-    020709 644  0.2+  0.2-    020807 644  0.2+  0.1+
    010823 608  0.4+  0.3-    020709 644  0.2+  0.6-    020808 734  0.1-  0.6+
    010823 608  0.3+  0.8+    020806 644  0.1-  0.1+    020808 734  0.1+  0.5+
    020524 644  0.4+  0.3+    020806 644  0.0   0.1-    020827 644  0.3+  0.5-
    020524 644  0.8+  0.3+    020806 644  0.0   0.1+    020827 644  0.4+  0.3-
    020524 644  0.1+  0.0     020807 673  0.7-  0.0     020827 644  0.4+  0.2-
    2002 PN34                a,e,i = 30.71, 0.57, 17                 q = 13.331
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2002 09 03    20 15.49   -18 00.9   12.565   13.371   141.7     2.7    19.2
    2002 09 13    20 14.20   -18 01.4   12.684   13.374   131.7     3.2    19.3
    2002 09 23    20 13.34   -18 00.7   12.822   13.377   121.7     3.7    19.3
    2002 10 03    20 12.96   -17 58.7   12.975   13.380   111.8     4.0    19.4
    2002 10 13    20 13.07   -17 55.3   13.139   13.383   102.0     4.2    19.4
    2002 10 23    20 13.70   -17 50.3   13.309   13.386    92.3     4.3    19.4
    2002 11 02    20 14.83   -17 43.9   13.481   13.389    82.6     4.2    19.5
    2002 11 12    20 16.43   -17 35.8   13.649   13.392    73.0     4.1    19.5
    2002 11 22    20 18.49   -17 26.3   13.809   13.396    63.4     3.8    19.5
    2002 12 02    20 20.94   -17 15.2   13.956   13.399    53.9     3.4    19.5
    2002 12 12    20 23.75   -17 02.6   14.088   13.403    44.5     2.9    19.5
    2002 12 22    20 26.85   -16 48.8   14.200   13.407    35.1     2.4    19.5
    Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 2002 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2002-R29

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