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  • MPEC 2002-G09 : COMET P/2002 CW134 (LINEAR)

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    M.P.E.C. 2002-G09                                Issued 2002 Apr. 3, 20:30 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                              COMET P/2002 CW134 (LINEAR)
        PK02CD4W  C2002 03 23.94559 12 38 15.95 -16 43 18.0          17.3 T      641
        PK02CD4W  C2002 03 23.96744 12 38 14.60 -16 43 34.1          17.1 T      641
        PK02CD4W  C2002 03 23.98266 12 38 13.64 -16 43 44.1          17.0 T      641
        PK02CD4W  C2002 03 23.98845 12 38 13.32 -16 43 47.9          17.3 T      641
        PK02CD4W  C2002 03 23.99424 12 38 12.95 -16 43 51.6          17.5 T      641
        PK02CD4W  C2002 03 24.00002 12 38 12.60 -16 43 56.0          17.8 T      641
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 01.95503 12 29 19.59 -18 17 04.1                      246
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 01.95600 12 29 19.52 -18 17 03.8                      246
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 01.95693 12 29 19.46 -18 17 05.0                      246
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 01.95788 12 29 19.40 -18 17 06.0                      246
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 01.95884 12 29 19.37 -18 17 06.1                      246
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 01.95976 12 29 19.27 -18 17 06.3                      246
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 02.56307 12 28 43.60 -18 22 34.2          17.3 T      367
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 02.56689 12 28 43.45 -18 22 35.9                      367
        PK02CD4W  C2002 04 02.57071 12 28 43.19 -18 22 38.3                      367
    Observer details:
    246 Klet Observatory-KLENOT.  Observers J. Ticha, M. Tichy.  1.06-m KLENOT
        telescope + CCD.
    367 Yatsuka.  Observer H. Abe.  0.26-m f/6.0 reflector + CCD.
    641 Overberg.  Observer A. van Staden.  0.20-m f/7.9 reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
        P/2002 CW134 (LINEAR)
    T 2002 Feb. 28.9430 TT                                  MPC
    q   1.839653             (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.1440833      Peri.  190.1099      -0.9983759      -0.0204276
    a   3.603519       Node   348.3185      +0.0490411      -0.7832210
    e   0.489484       Incl.   15.2280      -0.0289917      -0.6214078
    P   6.84
    From 86 observations 2002 Feb. 7-Apr. 2.
        P/2002 CW134 (LINEAR)
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase   m1    m2
    2002 03 27    12 35.27   -17 17.5    0.873    1.854   164.8     8.1  15.4  18.6
    2002 04 06    12 25.37   -18 51.7    0.883    1.867   165.0     8.0  15.4  18.6
    2002 04 16    12 16.70   -19 59.7    0.914    1.884   158.5    11.3  15.6  18.9
    2002 04 26    12 10.82   -20 47.1    0.966    1.905   149.9    15.4  15.7  19.2
    2002 05 06    12 08.49   -21 21.9    1.036    1.929   141.3    19.1  15.9  19.5
    2002 05 16    12 09.88   -21 51.5    1.121    1.957   133.1    22.1  16.2  19.8
    2002 05 26    12 14.76   -22 21.9    1.219    1.988   125.6    24.5  16.4  20.1
    2002 06 05    12 22.63   -22 56.2    1.328    2.021   118.7    26.1  16.7  20.3
    2002 06 15    12 33.02   -23 35.8    1.447    2.058   112.2    27.2  16.9  20.6
    2002 06 25    12 45.48   -24 21.1    1.573    2.096   106.1    27.8  17.2  20.8
    2002 07 05    12 59.59   -25 11.2    1.706    2.137   100.3    27.9  17.5  21.0
    2002 07 15    13 15.05   -26 05.1    1.844    2.179    94.8    27.7  17.7  21.3
    2002 07 25    13 31.61   -27 01.7    1.987    2.223    89.4    27.2  18.0  21.4
    2002 08 04    13 49.07   -27 59.4    2.134    2.269    84.2    26.4  18.2  21.6
    2002 08 14    14 07.29   -28 56.8    2.284    2.315    79.0    25.4  18.4  21.8
    2002 08 24    14 26.13   -29 52.9    2.435    2.363    73.9    24.3  18.7  21.9
    Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 2002 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2002-G09

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