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  • MPEC 2001-S56 : 1991 TF3

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    M.P.E.C. 2001-S56                                Issued 2001 Sept. 27, 18:18 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       1991 TF3
         J91T03F  C2001 09 26.33523 01 38 50.29 +09 15 35.6          16.2        704
         J91T03F  C2001 09 26.34993 01 38 45.82 +09 16 56.1          16.1        704
         J91T03F  C2001 09 26.36451 01 38 41.35 +09 18 15.9          16.2        704
         J91T03F  C2001 09 26.37909 01 38 36.93 +09 19 34.9          16.4        704
         J91T03F  C2001 09 26.39369 01 38 32.53 +09 20 54.4          16.7        704
         J91T03F  C2001 09 27.13374 01 35 11.04 +10 25 47.3          14.6 R      739
         J91T03F  C2001 09 27.13606 01 35 10.51 +10 25 57.8          14.9 R      739
         J91T03F  C2001 09 27.13993 01 35 09.42 +10 26 18.6          14.9 R      739
         J91T03F  C2001 09 27.31780 01 34 19.64 +10 41 31.3          16.3 V      333
         J91T03F  C2001 09 27.31867 01 34 19.39 +10 41 35.8          16.3 V      333
         J91T03F  C2001 09 27.31953 01 34 19.14 +10 41 40.5          16.2 V      333
    Observer details:
    333 Desert Eagle Observatory.  Observer W. K. Yeung.  0.45-m reflector + CCD.
    704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico.  Observers M. Blythe, F. Shelly,
        M. Bezpalko, R. Huber, L. Manguso, S. Adams.  Measurers J. Stuart,
        R. Sayer, J. B. Evans, H. Viggh.  1.0-m f/2.15 reflector + CCD.
    739 Sunflower Observatory, Olathe.  Observer L. Robinson.  0.25-m
        Schmidt-Cassegrain + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    1991 TF3
    Id. T. B. Spahr (2001 observations)
    Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Williams
    M  20.68402              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.29586370     Peri.  303.25855     +0.63887944     +0.76873058
    a   2.2305310      Node     6.69107     -0.59306537     +0.51679826
    e   0.5707626      Incl.   14.80422     -0.49000666     +0.37679285
    P   3.33           H   18.4           G   0.15           U   4
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    911002 675  2.5+  0.8+    010926 704  0.2+  0.1+    010927 739  0.1-  1.6-
    911002 675  2.3-  0.8+    010926 704  0.3+  0.2+    010927 739  0.2-  0.8-
    911007 675  0.4+  0.6-    010926 704  0.2-  0.5+    010927 333  0.5+  0.1+
    911007 675  1.8-  2.2-    010926 704  0.0   0.2+    010927 333  0.5+  0.2+
    911012 675  1.0+  0.2+    010926 704  0.4+  0.4+    010927 333  0.5+  0.5+
    911012 675  0.1-  1.4+    010927 739  1.8-  0.2-
    1991 TF3                 a,e,i = 2.23, 0.57, 15                  q = 0.9574
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2001 09 18    02 30.07   -08 33.7    0.110    1.089   137.7    38.4    15.3
    2001 09 28    01 31.33   +11 37.4    0.160    1.153   159.4    17.8    15.7
    2001 10 08    00 58.68   +20 28.0    0.231    1.224   165.3    11.9    16.4
    2001 10 18    00 40.76   +24 09.6    0.316    1.299   161.1    14.4    17.3
    2001 10 28    00 32.61   +25 37.5    0.413    1.377   154.0    18.4    18.1
    2001 11 07    00 31.27   +26 08.5    0.523    1.457   146.6    22.0    18.9
    2001 11 17    00 34.80   +26 17.3    0.646    1.537   139.3    24.8    19.5
    2001 11 27    00 41.94   +26 21.4    0.780    1.617   132.1    26.9    20.1
    2001 12 07    00 51.72   +26 28.8    0.925    1.696   125.1    28.4    20.6
    2001 12 17    01 03.47   +26 42.3    1.080    1.773   118.4    29.2    21.1
    2001 12 27    01 16.73   +27 03.1    1.244    1.850   111.7    29.6    21.5
    2002 01 06    01 31.14   +27 30.6    1.416    1.925   105.2    29.5    21.9
    Timothy B. Spahr             (C) Copyright 2001 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2001-S56

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