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  • MPEC 2001-P21 : 2001 MG1

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    M.P.E.C. 2001-P21                                Issued 2001 Aug. 8, 15:38 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                 Prepared using the Tamkin Foundation Computer Network
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                       2001 MG1
                               Revision to MPEC 2001-M15
         K01M01G 2 1989 07 01.30417 19 10 44.35 +35 39 08.5                      261
         K01M01G 2 1989 07 01.34236 19 10 42.59 +35 39 42.3                      261
    Observer details:
    261 Palomar-DSS.  Observers C. Brewer, J. D. Mendenhall.  Trail located and
        measured by ANEOPP (A. Boattini, G. Forti).  1.2-m Schmidt.
    First and last observations above in comparison with prediction:
    Residuals in seconds of arc (or two decimals in degrees), reference and Delta-T
    890701 261 17.29+ 2.83+    890701 261 17.30+ 2.84+  MPO 15105  -12.4 day
    Orbital elements:
    2001 MG1                                                             PHA 0.013D
    Epoch 2001 Oct. 18.0 TT = JDT 2452200.5                 Williams
    M  14.15354              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.24790890     Peri.  218.41778     +0.95436293     -0.07361769
    a   2.5096200      Node   142.51281     +0.07801861     +0.99694511
    e   0.6400287      Incl.   28.39747     -0.28827850     +0.02609377
    P   3.98           H   17.3           G   0.15           U   2
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    890701 261  0.7+  0.7-    010625 670  0.4-  0.0     010703 360  0.2-  0.0
    890701 261  0.6-  0.1+    010625 587  0.8+  0.0     010703 360  0.4-  0.1+
    010618 644  0.7-  0.5-    010625 587  1.6+  0.7+    010703 360  0.3-  0.2-
    010618 644  0.6-  0.5-    010625 587  0.2-  1.3+    010703 413  0.0   0.4+
    010618 644  0.5-  0.4-    010626 046  0.6+  0.4-    010703 413  0.5+  0.0
    010618 422  0.7-  0.7+    010626 046  0.1-  0.1-    010703 413  0.6+  0.4+
    010619 620 (3.8+  0.7-)   010626 046  0.3+  0.3+    010703 413  0.3-  1.1-
    010619 620  1.5+  0.9-    010626 046  0.2-  0.6+    010703 413  0.1-  0.1-
    010619 620  0.1+  0.9-    010626 118  0.5-  0.3-    010704 682  0.6-  1.0+
    010619 493  0.3-  0.0     010626 118  0.1-  0.0     010704 682  0.2-  1.0+
    010619 493  0.0   0.0     010626 118  0.8-  0.2-    010704 682  0.3+  0.4+
    010619 649  0.7+  0.4-    010626 711  0.6-  0.1-    010704 682  0.6-  0.6-
    010619 649  0.1-  0.1-    010626 711  0.7-  0.2+    010704 682  0.5+  0.3+
    010619 649  0.3+  0.1+    010626 711  0.4+  0.1+    010704 413  0.1+  0.1+
    010619 649  0.3+  0.2-    010627 118  0.2-  0.4+    010704 413  0.2+  0.1-
    010619 919  0.2+  0.6-    010627 118  0.7-  0.0     010704 413  0.0   0.2-
    010619 919  0.5+  0.2-    010627 118  0.0   0.4+    010707 649  0.3-  0.6-
    010619 919  0.4+  0.3-    010627 046  0.1+  0.3+    010707 649  0.4-  0.5-
    010620 216  0.3-  0.2+    010627 046  0.0   0.3+    010707 649  0.6-  0.1-
    010620 216  0.2+  0.2+    010627 046  0.1-  0.1+    010716 649  0.6+  0.5-
    010620 216  0.5-  0.3-    010627 046  0.3-  0.8+    010716 649  0.0   1.6-
    010621 046  0.5-  0.9+    010627 540  0.4+  1.3-    010716 649  0.2+  0.1-
    010621 046  0.2-  0.5+    010627 540  0.3-  0.2-    010717 670  0.1+  0.4-
    010621 046  0.2-  0.1+    010628 688 (2.4-  0.0 )   010717 670  0.0   0.7+
    010621 046  0.3-  0.4+    010630 688  0.4+  0.0     010718 670  0.4-  0.7+
    010621 046  0.4+  0.3+    010630 688  0.3+  0.0     010718 670  0.3-  0.6+
    010623 670  0.1+  0.8+    010630 688  0.2+  0.2+    010730 413  0.4+  0.5-
    010623 670  0.3+  0.2+    010630 688  0.0   0.0     010730 413  0.4-  0.3+
    010625 670  0.2-  1.4-    010630 688  2.0+  0.4+
    010625 670  0.6-  0.4+    010630 688  0.0   0.3-
    2001 MG1                 a,e,i = 2.51, 0.64, 28                  q = 0.9034
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    2001 07 30    03 41.82   +11 48.9    0.367    0.961    71.1    87.7    18.1
    2001 08 09    04 55.02   +02 24.8    0.431    0.922    65.5    89.3    18.4
    2001 08 19    05 48.64   -04 03.7    0.523    0.904    63.0    85.9    18.7
    2001 08 29    06 29.36   -08 07.3    0.625    0.909    62.4    80.0    18.9
    2001 09 08    07 02.01   -10 40.8    0.725    0.936    63.0    73.4    19.0
    2001 09 18    07 29.16   -12 23.6    0.815    0.983    64.4    67.2    19.2
    2001 09 28    07 51.93   -13 38.6    0.891    1.045    66.7    61.7    19.3
    2001 10 08    08 10.90   -14 37.2    0.949    1.119    70.1    57.1    19.5
    2001 10 18    08 26.22   -15 25.0    0.989    1.200    74.4    53.1    19.6
    2001 10 28    08 37.79   -16 02.3    1.013    1.286    79.7    49.5    19.7
    2001 11 07    08 45.44   -16 26.6    1.021    1.375    86.2    46.0    19.8
    2001 11 17    08 48.86   -16 33.1    1.018    1.466    93.8    42.3    19.8
    2001 11 27    08 47.69   -16 13.7    1.006    1.556   102.7    38.2    19.8
    2001 12 07    08 41.83   -15 19.2    0.992    1.646   112.7    33.5    19.8
    2001 12 17    08 31.45   -13 40.1    0.982    1.734   123.8    28.1    19.7
    2001 12 27    08 17.46   -11 10.6    0.985    1.822   135.6    22.2    19.6
    2002 01 06    08 01.49   -07 54.3    1.007    1.907   146.8    16.4    19.6
    2002 01 16    07 45.60   -04 06.0    1.056    1.991   154.9    12.1    19.6
    2002 01 26    07 31.75   -00 07.9    1.135    2.073   155.8    11.2    19.9
    2002 02 05    07 21.25   +03 38.6    1.244    2.153   149.7    13.4    20.2
    2002 02 15    07 14.61   +07 00.2    1.379    2.231   140.5    16.4    20.6
    2002 02 25    07 11.79   +09 51.1    1.536    2.307   130.7    19.0    21.0
    2002 03 07    07 12.34   +12 11.5    1.711    2.381   121.2    20.9    21.4
    2002 03 17    07 15.75   +14 04.3    1.899    2.453   112.1    22.1    21.7
    2002 03 27    07 21.50   +15 32.9    2.096    2.523   103.5    22.6    22.0
    Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 2001 MPC           M.P.E.C. 2001-P21

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