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  • MPEC 1999-J23 : 1998 HN151

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    Read MPEC 1999-J22 Read MPEC 1999-J24

    M.P.E.C. 1999-J23                                Issued 1999 May 7, 18:49 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
              URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html  ISSN 1523-6714
                                      1998 HN151
         J98HF1N*1C1998 04 21.29181 12 30 23.73 +13 24 59.8          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 04 21.34742 12 30 23.47 +13 25 00.4          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 04 21.38851 12 30 23.28 +13 25 01.2          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 05 01.38939 12 29 39.48 +13 26 30.9          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 05 01.40115 12 29 39.42 +13 26 30.7          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 05 01.41292 12 29 39.36 +13 26 30.9          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 05 23.25272 12 28 24.46 +13 25 42.3          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 05 23.26531 12 28 24.41 +13 25 41.9          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 05 23.27895 12 28 24.35 +13 25 41.7          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 07 01.26692 12 27 47.38 +13 10 44.4          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1998 07 01.34797 12 27 47.47 +13 10 41.8          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1999 01 22.48182 12 40 33.04 +11 43 56.4          24.5 R      568
         J98HF1N 1C1999 01 24.55395 12 40 30.02 +11 44 51.0          24.5 R      568
    Observer details:
    568 Mauna Kea.  Observers J. Kormendy, R. Wainscoat, D. Tholen, D. Jewitt,
        J. Luu, C. Trujillo.  Measurer C. Trujillo.  3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii
        telescope + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    1998 HN151
    Epoch 1999 Aug. 10.0 TT = JDT 2451400.5                 Marsden
    M 163.58594              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.00424316     Peri.  338.86093     +0.94045543     -0.22373351
    a  37.7870564      Node    37.20430     +0.33937330     +0.66058200
    e   0.0570603      Incl.   25.03808     -0.01921813     +0.71664129
    P 232              H    8.8           G   0.15           U   6
    Residuals in seconds of arc
    980421 568  0.0   0.3-    980501 568  0.2-  0.3+    980701 568  0.3+  0.2+
    980421 568  0.0   0.3-    980523 568  0.2+  0.1+    990122 568  0.0   0.2+
    980421 568  0.1+  0.1-    980523 568  0.0   0.2-    990124 568  0.0   0.2-
    980501 568  0.1+  0.4+    980523 568  0.4-  0.3-
    980501 568  0.0   0.2+    980701 568  0.1-  0.0
    1998 HN151               a,e,i = 37.79, 0.06, 25                 q = 35.631
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    1999 05 02    12 33.80   +12 27.1   39.092   39.860   139.2     0.9    24.9
    1999 05 12    12 33.15   +12 27.6   39.203   39.861   130.1     1.1    24.9
    1999 05 22    12 32.62   +12 27.0   39.334   39.861   120.8     1.2    25.0
    1999 06 01    12 32.21   +12 25.1   39.479   39.862   111.5     1.4    25.0
    1999 06 11    12 31.94   +12 22.1   39.634   39.862   102.2     1.4    25.0
    1999 06 21    12 31.83   +12 18.1   39.796   39.862    93.0     1.5    25.0
    1999 07 01    12 31.86   +12 13.0   39.960   39.863    83.8     1.5    25.0
    1999 07 11    12 32.05   +12 07.1   40.120   39.863    74.7     1.4    25.0
    1999 07 21    12 32.38   +12 00.4   40.273   39.864    65.6     1.3    25.0
    1999 07 31    12 32.86   +11 53.1   40.415   39.864    56.5     1.2    25.0
    1999 08 10    12 33.47   +11 45.3   40.541   39.864    47.6     1.1    25.0
    1999 08 20    12 34.19   +11 37.2   40.648   39.865    38.8     0.9    25.0
    1999 08 30    12 35.02   +11 29.0   40.733   39.865    30.3     0.7    25.0
    Brian G. Marsden             (C) Copyright 1999 MPC           M.P.E.C. 1999-J23

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