MPEC 1999-G23 : DAILY ORBIT UPDATE (1999 APR. 13 UT)
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M.P.E.C. 1999-G23 Issued 1999 Apr. 13, 06:06 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or GWILLIAMS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU URL ISSN 1523-6714 DAILY ORBIT UPDATE (1999 APR. 13 UT) Update to MPEC 1999-G19 New identification: J92J00R J99G03R Urata New multiple-opposition orbits: Object H G Epoch M Peri. Node Incl. e a Opp C J82J02B 14.9 0.15 J991M 106.055 334.814 106.434 2.693 0.08285 2.26873 4 M J92C01C 15.3 0.15 J991M 191.355 21.904 349.307 36.895 0.37508 1.39156 5 M J92J00R 14.0 0.15 J991M 336.315 94.663 116.210 8.117 0.25519 2.31852 2 U J92W03N 13.5 0.15 J991M 136.796 339.621 71.468 9.610 0.21961 2.76352 3 M J94A01T 12.3 0.15 J991M 135.334 328.702 55.840 13.729 0.22431 2.65404 4 M J95L00H 14.2 0.15 J991M 279.703 266.055 49.640 11.450 0.40776 2.69468 4 M J95T00G 12.5 0.15 J991M 227.686 301.412 60.805 12.188 0.17080 3.10569 4 M J96O02E 14.0 0.15 J991M 270.143 337.229 295.189 13.466 0.13535 2.64140 3 M J96O02M 14.3 0.15 J991M 138.843 126.765 260.716 7.938 0.22411 2.73726 4 M J96Q00L 13.6 0.15 J991M 340.244 230.981 314.757 4.828 0.16716 2.63350 5 M J96R04D 13.3 0.15 J991M 271.588 252.523 48.910 13.361 0.16158 2.71693 3 M J96V00V 13.5 0.15 J991M 290.365 233.992 57.070 4.140 0.13606 2.52252 4 M J97S17S 16.2 0.15 J991M 138.167 316.830 71.453 4.566 0.14006 2.19176 2 N J98A10M 14.0 0.15 J991M 257.225 174.331 145.944 7.889 0.08983 2.45355 2 M J98B02W 12.9 0.15 J991M 165.146 267.568 108.932 8.580 0.10746 3.03890 5 M J98B13S 13.7 0.15 J991M 49.647 254.403 257.441 3.079 0.04551 2.78560 2 M J98B25U 12.5 0.15 J991M 47.083 13.929 134.605 10.608 0.05099 3.04401 4 M J98F11N 12.8 0.15 J991M 191.288 156.206 227.505 13.808 0.27670 2.43100 6 M J98Q56K 17.5 0.15 J991M 16.685 285.751 173.385 13.548 0.51258 1.88407 2 M J99B08F 13.2 0.15 J991M 12.156 68.556 65.822 2.342 0.07307 3.07622 4 M J99D03S 13.5 0.15 J991M 334.035 123.759 70.732 11.205 0.15723 2.65856 3 M J99D04H 13.4 0.15 J991M 275.173 164.682 132.445 10.344 0.12466 2.75552 3 M New perturbed one-opposition orbits: Object H G Epoch M Peri. Node Incl. e a Arc C J99B02C 14.7 0.15 J991M 187.905 325.047 336.896 17.498 0.05994 1.95763 101 N J99B08E 16.4 0.15 J991M 11.861 320.738 147.875 9.819 0.47490 2.53289 109 M J99C05C 12.5 0.15 J991M 204.630 180.339 109.002 15.985 0.17385 2.57977 87 N J99D02B 19.0 0.15 J991M 339.642 251.576 328.274 11.616 0.62070 2.99830 54 M J99D02X 14.3 0.15 J991M 85.888 259.721 153.011 22.089 0.03032 2.67187 82 N J99F00A 20.6 0.15 J991M 12.450 294.753 166.310 11.928 0.13075 1.07271 21 M New one-opposition orbits: Object H G Epoch M Peri. Node Incl. e a Arc C J99C03H 15.2 0.15 J9933 27.244 31.872 66.219 8.509 0.35529 2.69510 59 N J99C05K 14.3 0.15 J992B 236.230 273.073 11.852 12.693 0.20283 2.44651 56 N J99C09L 14.6 0.15 J993N 341.547 170.693 10.890 11.635 0.15324 2.66194 57 N J99D03R 11.8 0.15 J993N 315.240 149.902 76.357 12.182 0.05589 3.00612 48 N J99E05D 19.7 0.15 J993N 321.290 273.743 5.810 18.182 0.46612 1.74611 29 M J99E05E 18.4 0.15 J993N 353.535 192.814 355.576 31.018 0.28191 1.66962 27 M J99E05F 19.3 0.15 J993N 359.126 178.601 6.334 31.080 0.42804 2.22815 27 M J99E05S 14.0 0.15 J993N 251.268 294.066 8.554 7.356 0.20292 2.56651 30 M J99F19N 22.6 0.15 J993N 340.536 35.113 191.481 2.337 0.39409 1.65459 22 M J99F19P 20.1 0.15 J993N 332.037 273.568 347.375 15.135 0.52015 1.94874 20 M J99F19Q 17.7 0.15 J993N 0.644 250.968 296.591 8.398 0.46543 3.02011 20 M J99F21J 20.3 0.15 J993N 72.933 67.534 19.558 21.909 0.27398 1.27336 20 M J99G00Z 13.8 0.15 J993N 333.095 200.961 13.155 16.002 0.12843 2.88821 2EM J99G03S 16.3 0.15 J993N 6.596 107.694 44.612 28.584 0.44295 2.73215 3 M J99G03T 17.9 0.15 J993N 29.105 260.784 157.842 19.365 0.83273 1.31829 3 M J99G03U 19.1 0.15 J993N 352.818 8.634 195.741 12.812 0.51046 2.09655 2 M New observations: J99D02B C1999 04 11.59610 09 20 45.19 -19 25 18.6 18.8 R 422 J99D02B C1999 04 11.59689 09 20 45.19 -19 25 20.4 18.8 R 422 J99E05D C1999 04 11.64010 12 47 14.20 -33 44 52.3 19.1 R 422 J99E05D C1999 04 11.64084 12 47 14.01 -33 44 55.7 18.6 R 422 J99E05D C1999 04 11.64161 12 47 13.77 -33 44 59.3 18.5 R 422 J99E05E C1999 04 11.59891 09 12 56.76 -19 57 15.9 18.7 R 422 J99E05E C1999 04 11.59959 09 12 56.68 -19 57 18.3 18.8 R 422 J99E05F C1999 04 11.62470 11 20 10.39 -23 57 16.5 19.3 R 422 J99E05F C1999 04 11.62696 11 20 09.94 -23 57 25.8 19.1 R 422 J99F00A C1999 04 05.10613 13 12 30.50 +57 01 20.1 18.3 V 104 J99F00A C1999 04 05.10984 13 12 30.56 +57 01 16.5 104 J99F00A C1999 04 05.11354 13 12 30.66 +57 01 12.9 104 J99F19N C1999 04 11.64466 13 13 20.06 +07 04 42.3 15.7 R 422 J99F19N C1999 04 11.64523 13 13 20.74 +07 04 44.5 15.5 R 422 J99F19N C1999 04 11.64572 13 13 21.26 +07 04 46.1 15.4 R 422 J99F19P C1999 04 11.61169 09 46 28.79 -23 06 05.6 19.0 R 422 J99F19P bC1999 04 11.61242 09 46 28.60 -23 06 07.5 19.4 R 422 J99F19P bC1999 04 11.61307 09 46 28.41 -23 06 09.1 422 J99F21J FC1999 04 11.68253 13 44 19.56 -17 43 12.0 19.4 R 422 J99G03U C1999 04 12.16797 14 51 25.02 +32 43 04.9 13.6 V 859 J99G03U C1999 04 12.16851 14 51 26.10 +32 43 10.9 13.6 V 859 J99G03U C1999 04 12.16914 14 51 27.33 +32 43 17.5 13.7 V 859 J99G03U C1999 04 12.17034 14 51 29.68 +32 43 30.5 13.8 V 859 J99G03U C1999 04 12.17315 14 51 35.11 +32 44 00.7 13.7 V 859 A. U. Tomatic (C) Copyright 1999 MPC M.P.E.C. 1999-G23
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