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  • MPEC 1998-T04 : 1998 SS49

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    M.P.E.C. 1998-T04                                Issued 1998 Oct. 2, 20:28 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                       URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html
                                       1998 SS49
         J98S49S* C1998 09 29.37562 04 45 23.76 +19 16 21.3          18.2        704
         J98S49S  C1998 09 29.38788 04 45 25.81 +19 16 33.1          18.5        704
         J98S49S  C1998 09 29.40017 04 45 27.75 +19 16 41.8          18.5        704
         J98S49S  C1998 09 29.41245 04 45 29.57 +19 16 50.6          19.0        704
         J98S49S  C1998 09 29.42481 04 45 31.56 +19 17 02.2          18.7        704
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.03917 04 47 10.88 +19 25 02.7                      557
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.04150 04 47 11.27 +19 25 04.6          18.0 V      557
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.08894 04 47 18.85 +19 25 43.0          17.6 V      046
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.09019 04 47 19.06 +19 25 43.9                      046
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.09146 04 47 19.24 +19 25 44.9                      046
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.09266 04 47 19.44 +19 25 45.9                      046
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.47942 04 48 22.64 +19 30 55.4                      658
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.48510 04 48 23.56 +19 31 00.0                      658
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.49686 04 48 25.41 +19 31 09.5                      658
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.64152 04 48 49.67 +19 33 20.4          18.2 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.64250 04 48 49.87 +19 33 21.1          18.0 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 09 30.64565 04 48 50.35 +19 33 23.4          18.0 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 10 01.74698 04 51 53.90 +19 48 26.3          18.2 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 10 01.74807 04 51 54.12 +19 48 27.4          17.9 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 10 01.74877 04 51 54.24 +19 48 27.9          18.1 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 10 02.64073 04 54 27.44 +20 00 42.1                      411
         J98S49S  C1998 10 02.64246 04 54 27.75 +20 00 44.2                      411
         J98S49S  C1998 10 02.65440 04 54 29.75 +20 00 54.1                      411
         J98S49S IC1998 10 02.72394 04 54 41.34 +20 02 08.8          17.8 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 10 02.72462 04 54 41.54 +20 02 08.6          17.4 R      422
         J98S49S  C1998 10 02.72527 04 54 41.65 +20 02 09.1          17.3 R      422
    Observer details:
    046 Klet.  Observers M. Tichy, Z. Moravec.  Measurer M. Tichy.  0.57-m f/5.2
        reflector + CCD.
    411 Oizumi.  Observer T. Kobayashi.  0.41-m f/4.3 reflector + CCD.
    422 Loomberah.  Observer G. J. Garradd.  0.45-m f/5.4 reflector + CCD.
    557 Ondrejov.  Observer L. Sarounova.  0.65-m f/3.6 reflector + CCD.
    658 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.  Observer D. D. Balam.  1.82-m
        reflector + CCD.
    704 Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico.  Observers M. Blythe, F. Shelly,
        M. Bezpalko.  Measurers J. Stuart, H. Viggh, R. Sayer.  1.0-m f/2.15
        reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    1998 SS49                                                            PHA 0.004
    Epoch 1998 Sept. 24.0 TT = JDT 2451080.5                Williams
    M 322.11906              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.38581793     Peri.  102.96484     -0.80314321     -0.58300627
    a   1.8687352      Node    41.55391     +0.44925993     -0.72793782
    e   0.6302500      Incl.   10.66317     +0.39131381     -0.36084653
    P   2.55           H   16.5           G   0.15
    From 26 observations 1998 Sept. 29-Oct. 2.
    1998 SS49                a,e,i = 1.87, 0.63, 11                  q = 0.6910
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    1998 09 24    04 31.80   +18 10.4    0.818    1.510   111.7    38.1    18.5
    1998 09 29    04 44.39   +19 11.5    0.739    1.463   113.5    38.9    18.2
    1998 10 04    04 58.44   +20 20.4    0.664    1.415   115.0    39.8    17.9
    1998 10 09    05 14.50   +21 38.8    0.591    1.366   116.1    41.0    17.6
    1998 10 14    05 33.39   +23 09.1    0.523    1.317   116.6    42.6    17.3
    1998 10 19    05 56.31   +24 52.9    0.458    1.267   116.3    44.8    17.0
    1998 10 24    06 25.09   +26 49.5    0.398    1.217   114.7    48.0    16.7
    1998 10 29    07 02.30   +28 51.8    0.346    1.166   111.6    52.4    16.5
    1998 11 03    07 51.02   +30 37.3    0.302    1.115   106.2    58.7    16.2
    1998 11 08    08 53.03   +31 17.1    0.271    1.064    98.2    67.2    16.2
    1998 11 13    10 04.71   +29 47.7    0.255    1.013    87.9    77.5    16.3
    1998 11 18    11 15.66   +25 49.0    0.258    0.963    76.9    88.1    16.6
    1998 11 23    12 16.16   +20 20.6    0.278    0.915    66.9    96.9    17.0
    1998 12 03    13 40.11   +09 38.5    0.357    0.825    53.5   106.1    17.8
    1998 12 13    14 33.01   +01 27.0    0.469    0.751    47.4   105.2    18.1
    1998 12 23    15 13.07   -04 56.4    0.599    0.704    45.2    97.7    18.1
    1999 01 02    15 49.11   -10 14.7    0.737    0.692    44.6    86.9    18.1
    1999 01 12    16 24.45   -14 39.8    0.872    0.717    45.0    75.7    18.1
    1999 01 22    16 59.34   -18 11.6    0.996    0.776    46.1    66.2    18.3
    1999 02 01    17 32.94   -20 52.2    1.101    0.856    48.1    58.9    18.5
    1999 02 11    18 04.51   -22 48.9    1.188    0.950    50.8    53.6    18.7
    1999 02 21    18 33.55   -24 11.5    1.254    1.050    54.3    49.9    19.0
    1999 03 03    18 59.79   -25 09.9    1.300    1.152    58.5    47.2    19.2
    1999 03 13    19 23.15   -25 52.9    1.329    1.253    63.4    45.1    19.3
    1999 03 23    19 43.54   -26 28.5    1.341    1.353    68.9    43.4    19.5
    1999 04 02    20 00.87   -27 03.4    1.338    1.450    75.1    41.8    19.6
    1999 04 12    20 15.00   -27 43.6    1.322    1.544    82.0    40.0    19.6
    1999 04 22    20 25.67   -28 34.3    1.296    1.634    89.6    37.9    19.7
    1999 05 02    20 32.49   -29 39.7    1.263    1.722    98.0    35.4    19.6
    1999 05 12    20 35.02   -31 02.5    1.227    1.805   107.2    32.3    19.6
    1999 05 22    20 32.65   -32 42.6    1.192    1.886   117.3    28.5    19.5
    1999 06 01    20 24.95   -34 35.3    1.166    1.963   128.3    23.9    19.4
    1999 06 11    20 11.82   -36 30.3    1.153    2.036   139.7    18.8    19.3
    1999 06 21    19 53.90   -38 12.6    1.159    2.107   151.0    13.5    19.2
    1999 07 01    19 33.02   -39 26.2    1.191    2.174   160.0     9.2    19.2
    1999 07 11    19 11.78   -40 02.3    1.249    2.238   162.1     8.0    19.3
    1999 07 21    18 52.83   -40 01.6    1.335    2.300   155.9    10.4    19.6
    1999 07 31    18 38.05   -39 33.5    1.445    2.358   146.4    13.8    20.0
    1999 08 10    18 28.09   -38 49.1    1.577    2.414   136.4    16.8    20.3
    1999 08 20    18 22.85   -37 57.8    1.726    2.467   126.6    19.2    20.6
    1999 08 30    18 21.77   -37 05.4    1.888    2.518   117.4    20.9    20.9
    1999 09 09    18 24.14   -36 14.8    2.060    2.565   108.6    21.9    21.2
    1999 09 19    18 29.35   -35 26.8    2.238    2.611   100.2    22.3    21.4
    1999 09 29    18 36.81   -34 41.2    2.418    2.654    92.2    22.2    21.6
    1999 10 09    18 46.06   -33 57.2    2.599    2.694    84.5    21.7    21.8
    1999 10 19    18 56.75   -33 13.8    2.777    2.732    77.1    20.8    21.9
    1999 10 29    19 08.54   -32 30.2    2.949    2.768    69.8    19.7    22.0
    Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 1998 MPC           M.P.E.C. 1998-T04

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