• Processing (Info)

  • MPEC 1998-P24 : Gareth V. Williams (C) Copyright 1998 MPC M.P.E.C. 1998-P24

    The following Minor Planet Electronic Circular may be linked-to from your own Web pages, but must not otherwise be redistributed electronically.

    A form allowing access to any MPEC is at the bottom of this page.

    Read MPEC 1998-P23 Read MPEC 1998-Q01

    M.P.E.C. 1998-P24                                Issued 1998 Aug. 15, 18:04 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                       URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/mpc.html
                                   EDITORIAL NOTICE
         The amount of junk e-mail ("spam") arriving at the Harvard-Smithsonian
    Center for Astrophysics has increased tremendously over the past year.  In
    order to try and reduce the amount of spam received by CfA computer users,
    the Computation Facility (CF) has recently instituted a policy of rejecting
    *all* e-mail that originates from certain Internet domains.  The CF did not
    inform the CfA that they were doing this until yesterday.  Among the domains
    that are currently being blocked are several known to be used by active
    astrometric observers:
    If you are on a machine on any of these domains, you should send observations
    to brian@cfaps1.harvard.edu and/or gareth@cfaps1.harvard.edu until such time
    as your domain is removed from the CF's black list.  The CF's black list is
    subject to frequent change, but it would be remiss of us to give the complete
    list here.  You might also wish to complain to your domain's postmaster,
    urging them to stop the spammers.
         Of course, this domain blocking also affects all other e-mail addresses
    of the form someone@cfa.harvard.edu.  Subscription enquiries from the
    affected domains should be sent to iausubs@cfaps1.harvard.edu until the
    problems are resolved.
         We apologise for this inconvenience, which is completely beyond our
    control.  We have protested to the CF, but our protests are currently falling
    on deaf ears.
         As a result of upgrading the software that produces the mailing lists
    for the IAU Circulars and Minor Planet Electronic Circulars, subscribers can
    now request that the two series of circulars be sent to different e-mail
    addresses.  Requests should be sent to iausubs@cfa.harvard.edu (or
    iausubs@cfaps1.harvard.edu, as noted above), giving both e-mail addresses
    and your account number.
         Recognizing that some subscribers may not be interested in receiving
    the Daily Orbit Update MPECs, we note that the software upgrades also
    include the ability to suppress these circulars.  E-mail delivery of other
    MPECs will be unaffected.  Requests for suppression should be sent as above.
         Note that these options are available only to those subscribers with
    personal subscriptions.  Those who receive their circulars via an
    institutional mailing list will have contact their local list maintainer to
    see whether their local setup allows these enhancements.
         The Minor Planet Center has recently unveiled a major new Web-based
    service to facilitate the generation of ephemerides for currently
    observable minor planets.  The Minor Planet Ephemeris Service (MPES) is
    at http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/MPEph/MPEph.html.  The MPES serves
    three purposes:
      1. The generation of customisable ephemerides for user-specified objects.
      2. The generation of a summary detailing the current location of
         a set of user-specified objects.
      3. The generation of an HTML document that can be placed on your own
         website and that allows others to generate ephemerides for a set
         of objects chosen by you, such as your own personal discoveries.
    A collection of links to such follow-up pages is available at
    http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/MPEph/FollowUp.html.  Additional sites
    for inclusion on this list should be reported to the MPC.
         In recent months the NEO Confirmation Page (NEOCP,
    http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/iau/NEO/ToConfirm.html) has undergone several
    enhancements.  In addition to having been made more flexible, the NEOCP
    now allows access to ephemerides for newly discovered comets in the
    period between the acquistion of the first astrometry and the publication
    of the first orbit.
         A recently inaugurated mailing list, the Minor Planet Mailing List,
    has been set up to facilitate informal discussions amongst astrometrists,
    both amateur and professional.  All requests for information on this
    mailing list should be directed to Richard Kowalski (bitnik@bitnik.com).
    Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 1998 MPC           M.P.E.C. 1998-P24

    Read MPEC 1998-P23 Read MPEC 1998-Q01

    MPEC number:

    Enter an MPEC number in one of the following forms:

    • 1997-B01 (the full form)
    • J97B01 (the packed version of the full form)
    • B01 (the abbreviated form)