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  • MPEC 1997-H04 : 1997 ET30

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    M.P.E.C. 1997-H04                                Issued 1997 Apr. 18, 19:08 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                     URL http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/cfa/ps/mpc.html
                                       1997 ET30
                               Revision to MPEC 1997-F05
         J97E30T  C1997 03 13.42889 10 37 01.43 +17 10 06.7          18.8 R      608
         J97E30T  C1997 03 13.47550 10 36 57.57 +17 10 18.7          18.7 R      608
         J97E30T  C1997 03 27.22903 10 20 11.67 +17 52 21.3          19.8 R      658
         J97E30T  C1997 03 27.23214 10 20 11.43 +17 52 22.0          19.9 R      658
         J97E30T  C1997 03 27.23527 10 20 11.20 +17 52 21.0          19.8 R      658
         J97E30T  C1997 03 27.23881 10 20 10.99 +17 52 21.6          19.9 R      658
         J97E30T  C1997 03 27.24192 10 20 10.87 +17 52 23.3          19.8 R      658
         J97E30T  C1997 03 29.35433 10 17 59.59 +17 54 56.7          19.7 R      696
         J97E30T  C1997 03 29.35630 10 17 59.48 +17 54 57.1                      696
         J97E30T  C1997 03 29.35818 10 17 59.39 +17 54 57.0          19.6 R      696
         J97E30T  C1997 04 08.91944 10 09 16.01 +17 51 51.9          20.4 V      104
         J97E30T  C1997 04 08.92639 10 09 15.77 +17 51 51.5                      104
         J97E30T  C1997 04 08.93266 10 09 15.42 +17 51 51.2                      104
    Observer details:
    104 San Marcello Pistoiese.  Observers A. Boattini, L. Tesi, G. Cattani.
        Measurers A. Boattini, G. Forti, L. Tesi.  0.40-m f/5 reflector + CCD.
    608 Haleakala-AMOS.  Observers A. Alday, K. Moore, M. Tranilla, T. Coggia,
        A. Sylva.  Measurers G. Fricke, K. Imada, J. Africano, P. Sydney,
        D. Nishimoto, D. O'Connell, P. Kervin, B. Kraszewski, V. Soo Hoo.  1.2-m
        reflector + CCD.
    658 Dominion Astrophysical Observatory.  Observer D. D. Balam.  1.82-m
        reflector + CCD.
    696 Whipple Observatory, Mt. Hopkins.  Observer C. W. Hergenrother.  Measurer
        T. B. Spahr.  1.2-m reflector + CCD.
    Orbital elements:
    1997 ET30
    Epoch 1997 Mar. 13.0 TT = JDT 2450520.5                 Williams
    M 286.98189              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   0.31532404     Peri.  262.47897     +0.27826831     +0.95930390
    a   2.1377881      Node    23.84700     -0.82779888     +0.26486202
    e   0.4512536      Incl.    6.81672     -0.48715066     +0.09789864
    P   3.13           H   17.0           G   0.15
    From 25 observations 1997 Mar. 12-Apr. 8.
    1997 ET30                a,e,i = 2.14, 0.45, 7                   q = 1.1731
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    1997 04 12    10 07.48   +17 46.2    1.386    2.128   125.2    22.6    20.4
    1997 04 22    10 04.16   +17 14.1    1.439    2.074   115.0    26.1    20.6
    1997 05 02    10 04.55   +16 23.5    1.498    2.019   105.7    28.7    20.7
    1997 05 12    10 08.37   +15 16.7    1.559    1.962    97.3    30.7    20.7
    1997 05 22    10 15.24   +13 55.5    1.619    1.905    89.7    32.1    20.8
    1997 06 01    10 24.75   +12 21.0    1.675    1.847    82.8    33.0    20.8
    1997 06 11    10 36.57   +10 33.7    1.725    1.788    76.6    33.5    20.8
    1997 06 21    10 50.41   +08 33.9    1.768    1.729    71.0    33.8    20.8
    1997 07 01    11 06.05   +06 22.0    1.803    1.669    65.9    33.8    20.8
    1997 07 11    11 23.39   +03 58.1    1.830    1.610    61.2    33.6    20.7
    Gareth V. Williams           (C) Copyright 1997 MPC           M.P.E.C. 1997-H04

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