MPEC 1996-V01 : 1996 TY11
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M.P.E.C. 1996-V01 Issued 1996 Nov. 1, 21:15 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. BMARSDEN@CFA.HARVARD.EDU or GWILLIAMS@CFA.HARVARD.EDU 1996 TY11 Observations: J96T11Y* C1996 10 15.35557 02 42 03.86 +16 04 13.4 21.1 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 15.37745 02 42 00.92 +16 04 13.5 20.8 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 15.40253 02 41 57.39 +16 04 14.9 20.5 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 16.26362 02 40 03.52 +16 04 40.3 20.7 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 16.26779 02 40 02.95 +16 04 40.6 20.9 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 16.27226 02 40 02.31 +16 04 40.9 20.6 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 18.41983 02 35 03.05 +16 05 06.1 21.1 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 18.42440 02 35 02.34 +16 05 05.8 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 18.42892 02 35 01.62 +16 05 05.9 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 21.31685 02 27 53.05 +16 04 08.9 20.3 V 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 21.32088 02 27 52.41 +16 04 08.3 691 J96T11Y C1996 10 21.32488 02 27 51.81 +16 04 08.5 691 Observer details: 691 Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak. Observers J. Montani, J. V. Scotti. 0.9-m Spacewatch telescope. Orbital elements: 1996 TY11 Epoch 1996 Oct. 4.0 TT = JDT 2450360.5 Williams M 229.56505 (2000.0) P Q n 0.72653494 Peri. 158.48413 -0.98189340 +0.14624274 a 1.2254578 Node 30.70190 -0.18903346 -0.79774280 e 0.5291041 Incl. 13.64070 +0.01231685 -0.58499529 P 1.36 H 19.5 G 0.15 From 12 observations 1996 Oct. 15-21. Ephemeris: 1996 TY11 a,e,i = 1.23, 0.53, 14 q = 0.5771 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 1996 10 24 02 20.82 +16 01.7 0.706 1.697 172.5 4.4 20.3 1996 11 03 01 52.05 +15 38.0 0.668 1.654 169.9 6.0 20.2 1996 11 13 01 22.84 +14 57.1 0.659 1.606 153.2 16.1 20.5 1996 11 23 00 57.75 +14 14.2 0.675 1.552 137.2 25.6 20.8 1996 12 03 00 39.44 +13 46.0 0.708 1.494 122.9 33.6 21.0 1996 12 13 00 28.42 +13 42.3 0.749 1.430 110.4 40.2 21.2 1996 12 23 00 23.95 +14 06.7 0.791 1.360 99.5 45.5 21.4 1997 01 02 00 24.82 +14 57.4 0.827 1.285 90.0 49.9 21.5 1997 01 12 00 29.94 +16 11.5 0.851 1.204 81.7 53.9 21.5 1997 01 22 00 38.37 +17 45.2 0.861 1.117 74.2 57.9 21.5 1997 02 01 00 49.26 +19 33.8 0.852 1.026 67.5 62.5 21.4 (Last issue was M.P.E.C. 1996-U13) Gareth V. Williams (C) Copyright 1996 MPC M.P.E.C. 1996-V01
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