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  • MPEC 1995-D02 : 1995 CR

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    M.P.E.C. 1995-D02                                Issued 1995 Feb. 18, 21:19 UT
         The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual
             minor planets and routine data on comets.  They are published
       on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the
              Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory,
                              Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A.
                                        1995 CR
                        *** Correction to MPEC 1995-D01 ***
         J95C00R  C1995 02 17.53264 10 49 37.82 +19 27 08.2          17.5 V      360
         J95C00R  C1995 02 17.53438 10 49 35.98 +19 27 27.5                      360
         J95C00R  C1995 02 17.53646 10 49 33.80 +19 27 50.5                      360
         J95C00R  C1995 02 17.54097 10 49 29.01 +19 28 40.7                      360
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.206   10 36 27.68 +21 41 50.7          17.2 R      817
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.216   10 36 14.87 +21 43 57.4          17.2 R      817
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.76177 10 22 58.73 +23 52 08.2                      557
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.77841 10 22 31.46 +23 56 24.8                      557
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.78126 10 22 26.79 +23 57 08.6                      557
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.78777 10 22 16.00 +23 58 48.9                      557
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.79336 10 22 06.72 +24 00 15.3          17.4 V      557
         J95C00R  C1995 02 18.79828 10 21 58.58 +24 01 32.4                      557
    Observer details:
    360 Kuma Kogen.  Observer A. Nakamura.  0.60-m f/6.0 Ritchey-Chretien.
        Communicated by S. Nakano.
    557 Ondrejov.  Observers P. Pravec, L. Sarounova.  0.65-m f/3.6 reflector.
    817 Sudbury.  Correction to MPEC 1995-D01.  Time uncertain because of
        difficulty centroiding very trailed image.
    Orbital elements:
    1995 CR
    Epoch 1995 Jan. 23.0 TT = JDT 2449740.5                 Marsden
    M 276.33757              (2000.0)            P               Q
    n   1.14447069     Peri.  322.06982     +0.57602124     +0.81718178
    a   0.9051758      Node   343.07074     -0.73187259     +0.50448909
    e   0.8676124      Incl.    4.00422     -0.36409069     +0.27875562
    P   0.86           H    21.5          G   0.15
    From 33 observations 1995 Feb. 3-18.
    1995 CR                  a,e,i = 0.91, 0.87, 4                   q = 0.1198
    Date    TT    R. A. (2000) Decl.     Delta      r     Elong.  Phase     V
    1995 02 17.0  10 57.99   +17 56.8    0.102    1.087   165.0    13.6    17.5
    1995 02 17.5  10 50.13   +19 21.6    0.095    1.081   166.4    12.4    17.3
    1995 02 18.0  10 40.82   +20 58.4    0.088    1.074   167.4    11.6    17.1
    1995 02 18.5  10 29.66   +22 49.1    0.081    1.068   167.5    11.5    16.9
    1995 02 19.0  10 16.13   +24 55.4    0.075    1.061   166.4    12.6    16.8
    1995 02 19.5  09 59.54   +27 18.4    0.069    1.055   163.8    15.1    16.6
    1995 02 20.0  09 38.95   +29 57.6    0.063    1.048   159.7    19.1    16.6
    1995 02 20.5  09 13.25   +32 49.0    0.058    1.042   154.1    24.5    16.6
    1995 02 21.0  08 41.20   +35 42.3    0.054    1.035   147.1    31.2    16.6
    1995 02 21.5  08 01.92   +38 18.3    0.051    1.028   138.9    39.2    16.7
    1995 02 22.0  07 15.78   +40 09.4    0.049    1.021   129.7    48.2    16.8
    1995 02 22.5  06 25.33   +40 48.7    0.048    1.014   119.9    57.7    17.0
    1995 02 23.0  05 35.07   +40 05.4    0.049    1.007   110.1    67.2    17.3
    1995 02 23.5  04 49.37   +38 12.0    0.051    1.000   100.8    76.3    17.7
    1995 02 24.0  04 10.61   +35 35.6    0.054    0.993    92.3    84.6    18.1
    1995 02 24.5  03 39.03   +32 43.5    0.059    0.986    84.8    91.8    18.6
    1995 02 25.0  03 13.69   +29 53.9    0.064    0.979    78.3    98.0    19.0
    1995 02 25.5  02 53.36   +27 16.7    0.069    0.972    72.7   103.4    19.4
    1995 02 26.0  02 36.92   +24 55.4    0.075    0.964    68.0   107.9    19.8
    1995 02 26.5  02 23.48   +22 50.6    0.082    0.957    63.8   111.8    20.2
    1995 02 27.0  02 12.34   +21 00.9    0.088    0.950    60.2   115.1    20.6
    1995 02 27.5  02 03.00   +19 24.7    0.095    0.942    57.1   118.1    21.0
    1995 02 28.0  01 55.07   +18 00.1    0.102    0.934    54.3   120.6    21.3
    1995 02 28.5  01 48.26   +16 45.6    0.110    0.927    51.8   122.9    21.6
    1995 03 01.0  01 42.35   +15 39.5    0.117    0.919    49.5   124.9    21.9
    1995 03 01.5  01 37.18   +14 40.6    0.124    0.911    47.5   126.7    22.2
    1995 03 02.0  01 32.61   +13 48.0    0.132    0.904    45.6   128.4    22.4
    1995 03 02.5  01 28.54   +13 00.6    0.140    0.896    43.9   129.9    22.7
    1995 03 03.0  01 24.89   +12 17.8    0.147    0.888    42.3   131.3    22.9
    1995 03 03.5  01 21.60   +11 38.9    0.155    0.880    40.8   132.6    23.2
    1995 03 04.0  01 18.61   +11 03.4    0.163    0.872    39.4   133.8    23.4
    Brian G. Marsden                                              M.P.E.C. 1995-D02

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