MPEC 1994-V04 : 1994 TA
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M.P.E.C. 1994-V04 Issued 1994 Nov. 5, 13:20 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. MARSDEN@CFA or WILLIAMS@CFA (.HARVARD.EDU, .SPAN or .BITNET) 1994 TA Additional observations: J94T00A C1994 10 04.48275 01 15 49.93 +02 35 29.2 568 J94T00A C1994 10 04.58204 01 15 48.77 +02 35 21.6 568 J94T00A C1994 10 05.48008 01 15 38.54 +02 34 14.0 568 J94T00A C1994 10 05.54387 01 15 37.79 +02 34 09.2 568 J94T00A A1994 11 01.32785 01 10 34.99 +02 03 18.6 23 R 568 J94T00A A1994 11 01.35657 01 10 34.69 +02 03 16.7 568 Observer details: 568 Mauna Kea. Oct. 4-5: Observer D. J. Tholen, measurer R. Whiteley. Nov. 1: Observers J. Chen, D. Jewitt. 2.2-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 1994 TA Epoch 1994 Oct. 15.0 TT = JDT 2449640.5 Marsden M 48.41180 (2000.0) P Q n 0.01349291 Peri. 147.10875 +0.26690997 +0.96165874 a 17.4742635 Node 138.27520 -0.90339144 +0.27243902 e 0.3933404 Incl. 5.43338 -0.33562327 +0.03145560 P 73.05 H 11.5 G 0.15 From 12 observations 1994 Oct. 2-Nov. 1. Ephemeris: 1994 TA a,e,i = 17.47, 0.39, 5 q = 10.601 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 1994 11 04 01 10.12 +02 00.7 14.200 15.105 155.0 1.6 23.4 1994 11 14 01 08.52 +01 52.3 14.304 15.123 144.7 2.2 23.4 1994 11 24 01 07.19 +01 46.1 14.433 15.140 134.4 2.7 23.5 1994 12 04 01 06.18 +01 42.3 14.583 15.158 124.1 3.1 23.5 1994 12 14 01 05.55 +01 41.1 14.751 15.175 113.8 3.4 23.6 1994 12 24 01 05.32 +01 42.7 14.931 15.193 103.6 3.6 23.6 1995 01 03 01 05.51 +01 46.9 15.118 15.210 93.6 3.7 23.7 1995 01 13 01 06.12 +01 53.7 15.306 15.228 83.6 3.7 23.7 1995 01 23 01 07.12 +02 02.8 15.492 15.245 73.7 3.6 23.7 Brian G. Marsden M.P.E.C. 1994-V04
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