MPEC 1994-J07 : 1994 JS
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M.P.E.C. 1994-J07 Issued 1994 May 13, 13:06 UT The Minor Planet Electronic Circulars contain information on unusual minor planets and routine data on comets. They are published on behalf of Commission 20 of the International Astronomical Union by the Minor Planet Center, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA 02138, U.S.A. MARSDEN@CFA or WILLIAMS@CFA (.HARVARD.EDU, .SPAN or .BITNET) 1994 JS Discovered 1994 May 11 by J. Luu and D. Jewitt at Cerro Tololo. Available observations: J94J00S* A1994 05 11.1869 15 36 54.72 -19 23 14.5 22.4 R 807 J94J00S A1994 05 11.2475 15 36 54.34 -19 23 13.8 807 J94J00S A1994 05 11.3116 15 36 53.99 -19 23 12.6 807 J94J00S IA1994 05 12.2371 15 36 48.71 -19 22 59.5 807 J94J00S IA1994 05 12.2490 15 36 48.65 -19 22 59.5 807 J94J00S A1994 05 12.2906 15 36 48.38 -19 22 58.6 807 Observer details: 807 Cerro Tololo Observatory. Observers J. Luu, D. Jewitt. 1.5-m reflector + CCD. Orbital elements: 1994 JS Epoch 1994 May 8.0 TT = JDT 2449480.5 Williams (2000.0) P Q n 0.00444372 354.36309 +0.62963550 -0.73679720 a 36.6414077 Node 56.34302 +0.72384774 +0.44121113 e 0.0000000 Incl. 17.21533 +0.28214107 +0.51231107 P 221.80 H 7.0 G 0.15 From 6 observations 1994 May 11-12. Ephemeris: 1994 JS a,e,i = 36.64, 0.00, 17 Date TT R. A. (2000) Decl. Delta r Elong. Phase V 1994 05 08 15 37.22 -19 24.0 35.645 36.641 170.7 0.3 22.6 1994 05 18 15 36.26 -19 21.6 35.630 36.641 179.5 0.0 22.6 1994 05 28 15 35.30 -19 19.2 35.644 36.641 169.6 0.3 22.6 1994 06 07 15 34.39 -19 16.9 35.687 36.641 159.8 0.5 22.7 1994 06 17 15 33.54 -19 14.8 35.758 36.641 150.1 0.8 22.7 1994 06 27 15 32.79 -19 13.0 35.853 36.641 140.3 1.0 22.7 1994 07 07 15 32.16 -19 11.6 35.971 36.641 130.7 1.2 22.8 1994 07 17 15 31.68 -19 10.7 36.108 36.641 121.0 1.4 22.8 1994 07 27 15 31.36 -19 10.4 36.259 36.641 111.4 1.5 22.8 1994 08 06 15 31.22 -19 10.7 36.421 36.641 101.8 1.6 22.8 1994 08 16 15 31.26 -19 11.6 36.589 36.641 92.2 1.6 22.8 1994 08 26 15 31.48 -19 13.2 36.757 36.641 82.6 1.6 22.9 1994 09 05 15 31.89 -19 15.4 36.922 36.641 73.1 1.5 22.9 1994 09 15 15 32.47 -19 18.1 37.079 36.641 63.5 1.4 22.9 Gareth V. Williams M.P.E.C. 1994-J07
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